Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Christmas Science Afternoon tea @ The Ampersand Hotel

So its Christmas time, and its the one time of the year that eating all kinds of unhealthy food and stuffing your face is socially acceptable in all ways. This means one thing and one thing only, especially for a afternoon tea junkie like myself, its time to hit the best themed tea in town. After having seen a friend of mine already try and test this particular afternoon tea, i knew it had to be done. Myself and my Friend Mayumi, booked ourselves a table at the Christmas science afternoon tea at the Ampersand hotel. Normally its just Science themed however this festive time of year means they put on a special Christmas menu. For starters its important to mention how beautiful this hotel is. Its located right next to the South Kensington station, so its super easy to get too. The hotel was decorated with lots of lights and cute Christmas decorations, and when having afternoon tea, you are seated in the Drawing rooms, which has gorgeous decor, A good thing to note is that we booked during the week via, which meant we received a glass of Moet on the house. Already things were on the up. After already consuming lots of bubbles we were given a choice of tea. I went for the classic Ampersand Breakfast tea, while May went for the Peppermint tea, both were enjoyed immensely. Stupidly i hadn't eaten that day, so by the time the food turned up i was ravenous, but it really was so scrummy. We were given a three tiered plate stacked full of food. The first tier was savoury followed by a plate of scones, and then a further plate of sweet treats. Not only did it taste amazing, it looked amazing too, and once the waiter had poured the white ice into the the little plate at the top, we had a plate of smoking science goodness. 

* The gorgeous tea station*

We tucked into the first plate which consisted of Smoked salmon blinis, Crayfish and asparagus on toasted bread, Goats cheese and pumpkin quiche and finally a roast beef bagel with horse radish (which really did have a spicy kick). After demolishing it all, me and may were both decided that our favourite were the blinis and crayfish, they were miniature sized so perfect little mouthfuls but so so flavoursome and delicious. 

Next we tucked into our plate full of scones, we had two each, so it was quite a mountain to get through, we ended up only having one each. I went for the plain one, and may had the cranberry and white chocolate selection. Not only were they both still warm, but both super delicious and not dry in the slightest. 

Last but not least we had the sweet tier to get through and this really was a mixture of all sorts. I was already quite full at this point, so i tried to get through as much as possible, but didn't manage to try it all. The plate consisted of a Christmas tree biscuit, Vanilla mousse with cranberry baubles, Spiced apple juice in test tubes, Salted caramel and chocolate tree brownies, and mini Christmas cakes with snowflake toppers. WOW right!! I didn't make it to the end as Christmas fruit cake isn't a favourite of mine anyway, however the show stopper for me on this plate was the salted caramel brownie, it was so yummy, rich and full of flavour. Neither of us were that sure on the mousse, it was quite an odd texture and the added cranberry's just weren't my cup of tea, but all in all what a scrummy little plate of goodness. 

* May fully respecting the tiny test tube of apple goodness *

Its safe to say we were so stuffed at this point we could barely speak, we were however given a little box of Christmas fossils hidden under a blanket of white chocolate snow. May had lots of fun with this, if shes reading she will know what i'm talking about haha! But it was a nice added extra to fit in further with the science theme. We both agreed that the savoury plate was by far our favourite. Every option was gorgeous in its own way in textures and flavours. I'd safely say i would love to return in the new year to do the classic science tea, which I've heard involves Rocket ships and dinosaurs, *squeals in delight*

I hope you have enjoyed this little insight to our Christmas science themed tea, its still available till the 27th of December, however it will be back to the classic tea after that which I've heard is just as good. Head on over to there website and check it out here. 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 


Friday, 16 December 2016

Lets party, Christmas Edition - Part 2

So today i'm back with another party style post, whether you need a last minute idea for inspiration to a Christmas party, or your already thinking forward to new years eve, i'm here to help. In my last post i showed you a classic 'Amy' look. For this however i wanted to show you something a little bit different. A bit fairy tale, or self portrait inspired, with bundles of lace and a bit of a flare to the skirt. This little lace dress is from Missguided, which i was shocked to find, as the dress itself is really good quality. The zip was a little stiff to begin with but with a helping hand i soon got myself all zipped up. This dress made me feel a little bit like a Christmas fairy with a sparkly wand, but i kinda liked it. Hence why the backdrop for this shoot had to involve my current love in my life, my Christmas tree.

When it comes to accessories i wanted to keep it subtle and keep with the neutral tones of the dress. That is why i chose an old favourite for my heels. My topshop nude patent heels, i have worn these to death but my oh my have they served me well. Surprisingly comfy too. This dress would also look lovely with a pair of over the knee boots, for a slightly more dressed down look. I am still on the hunt for a pair that fit my little short legs without looking silly. We need somewhere to create petite boots for us little people. 

Little life Update

So the last week or two have been a crazy whirlwind of crazy basically. I had all these plans at the beginning of the month to blog every other day of the month, but life as usual has just got in the way. Its Christmas time and for people like me that work in retail it means basically living at work. I love it and how busy it gets but it leaves little time to much else over the festive period. I have also been under the weather with the horrible cold that has been going around, so that wasn't much fun either. However every cloud has a silver lining and this week has ended on a real high after getting some great news on Tuesday. I will delve into that more another time, but for now just know i will be back posting as much as possible and i'm finally on the mend. I hope this month is as good for you as its turning out to be for me. 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Lets Party, Christmas Edition - Part 1

Yes thats right, its the most magical time of the year, which can mean only one thing and that's getting dressed up, wearing all things sparkly and cracking out that red lipstick that only gets the love this time of year. So i thought ;d show you how i would do a Christmas party or night out, this year. Unfortunately i dont have many plans to get all dressed up this winter so it gave me a little excuse to have fun with it too. For my first look i went for a classic going out 'Amy' look, with quite a tight fitting midi dress, but this time with a twist. I normally always go for a dress with this fit, as sometimes dresses that flare or flounce or flow, can make me look like a little child fairy, instead of a woman on a mission haha! However i was a little more daring with my next look which will be going live very soon. Anyway back to the outfit and the main star of the show in this look, and thats the dress. This little Gem is from the Topshop petite section, which means it fits like a glove and isn't too long for my very short legs. Its a gorgeous navy velvet and lace combination that just shouts elegance. If you haven't already go and check out my velvet Blog post here. It just fits in all the right places and feels like great quality. Even better, it has a small slit up the back, so its really easy to move in and feels very comfortable to wear. No awkward limping up the stairs situation coming your way in this baby!

* Velvet Dress - Topshop, (similar) Shoes - Newlook, Bag- Rebecca Minkoff *

For shoes, i thought i would go all in with the velvet trend, with this grey velvet stilettos. I love Pointed stilettos. They are my favourite kind of heel and already i have quite a collection in my wardrobe. I personally am not a fan of having cold toes, so sandals, this time of year are a no go for me, and the pointed finish to the shoes, always does a good job of elongating my legs, and making me look a lot more sophisticated then i actually am. These bad boys, were a right little find in my local new look, at £11.49!! I mean what a bargain, bit of an odd number but hey i definitely wasn't complaining. I will be getting my money's worth with these one's thats for sure. 

For accessories, i wanted to keep it simple and let the dress do that talking, however i couldn't not wear my new little Rebecca Minkoff Mini Mac, to finish it all off. This bag was my only Black Friday bargain, down from £170 to £45!? Shamazing deal that i couldn't pass up. I like the metal detailing on the bag and it just gives it a little edge to the outfit. 

As i said at the beginning no Christmas outfit is complete without a pop of red lipstick. I went for the classic Rimmel 107, which never lets me down. I completely love this outfit and if i had a Christmas party booked it would be my go too look. what do you think? what are you guys wearing to your party's this Christmas? 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 


Wednesday, 7 December 2016

The Christmas tag, And Our first Christmas tree

So originally this post was meant to be all about our first Christmas tree, and a small decoration haul. However i thought i would mix it up a little bit and make it a bit more interesting for you guys by doing the christmas tag. Perfect if you are little nosey like me, or just love to talk Christmas. So lets get right into it shall we.

1. What is your favourite Christmas tradition? A lot of our family Christmas traditions have come and gone over the years, especially with age and getting older. However my favourite has to be, every Christmas eve evening, all gathering round the Christmas tree and picking a small present from under the tree to open early. Our mum most likely picked the presents she wanted us to open, and more often then not, there would be a theme. It was always something cute and fun, just to get us super excited for Christmas morning. I remember once me and my brother both getting Christmas pj's for Christmas eve, so that we were suited and booted for Christmas in the morning.

2. Where do you spend Christmas? I have always spent Christmas at home, or at my mum's. This year is no different even though i don't live at home anymore. It tends to be me, my brother, mum and anyone else who wants to join throughout the day. But i think its very important to spend Christmas day with your loved ones, no matter who or where they are. Plus i couldn't spend it without my little cat Fred, animals always make Christmas even more extra special.

3. What is your favourite Christmas song? Without a doubt it has to be 'All i want for Christmas' by Mariah Carey. Either that or the entire Christmas Michael Buble CD which i could easily listen to on repeat for hours.

4. Tinsel or Garland? Neither. When it comes to decorations, i am all about the lights and the baubles. I honestly hate tinsel and just think it looks cheap and nasty. My mum has definitely made me a Christmas decoration snob over the years *laughs* so i like them too look classy or cute.

5. Who are you most excited to see this Christmas? Fred. As i mentioned before i don't live at home anymore and i miss my little cat on a daily basis. Living in an apartment, means it just isn't ideal for pets, so any time spent with my little freddie is precious.

6. Do you own any Christmas jumpers? yes i do. I own one Christmas jumper from Asos a couple of years ago, and its super cute. Its quite subtle for a Christmas jumper, with little reindeer's on it. Keep your eyes peeled on my Instagram for it (amyrowleyy), as i'm sure it will be on there soon.

7. What is the one Christmas food you cannot live without? This really is a hard one, as the food around this time of year is one of the best parts to Christmas. I think i will go with the classic tin of Quality street that without, It just wouldn't be Christmas. In particular the pink country fudge and gold toffee penny which are my absolute faves!

8. Peppermint or Gingerbread? Gingerbread. but only because of the scent. I don't actually like the taste of gingerbread, but when it comes to building a Gingerbread House i am the first to volunteer. I am also obsessed with the Gingerbread Zoella handcream, called hungry hands. It makes me want to eat my hands, its so yummy.

9. What have you asked for this Christmas? A camera. I really want to improve my photo quality on my blog and maybe even make videos eventually, so a camera is the only thing I want this christmas. Fingers crossed.

10. If you could be any christmas movie character, who would you be? oooooh this is a difficult one. I think i would choose to be the little girl in the polar express. I think i would make the best animated character, and they just get to go on such a magical adventure that i know i would enjoy.

So there you have it. My mini Christmas tag and a little insight into my Christmas time each year. Hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading my lovelies x


Monday, 5 December 2016

The Velvet Trend 5 picks - Head to Toe

So let me just start by saying these bad boy's were hard to pick. To pick only 5 items from the mountain of velvet that is on the high street was so hard but i think i have found some real gem's and i absolutely love them all. So if you haven't guessed already i decided to do a very similar post to my leopard print Head to Toe post linked here. It seemed to go down really well and the more i thought about it, what perfect time to talk velvet, then the festive season. Velvet is so huge this season, its hard not to love it, the shades of velvet are beautiful and there are so many ways of incorporating velvet into your wardrobe and outfits. So let me show you five ways to wear the Velvet trend. 

1. Choker - Accessorize - So the first item is the ideal way  to wear velvet if your not too sure on the trend, but like to keep up to date, and like me, love your accessories. The return of the choker has been huge this year and is still going strong. There are tons of velvet chokers, thin, thick, sparkly, on the market at the moment. This is one i have in particular and have worn to death over the last couple of months. Its really simple with a single pearl pendant attached but it is so versatile. I like wearing it with black with my work outfits or wearing it with thick cozy jumpers for that contrast in textures. You really can't go wrong with this one and its such an easy way to wear a trend this winter.
2. Dress - Topshop - Next up is the dress from the brand Rare which is sold on Topshop. Isn't it gorgeous!? The perfect Burgundy red shade for Christmas and perfect for that Christmas party or night out. This would also be a great piece for a winter wedding so useful for many occasions and something you could keep in your wardrobe for years to come. The bardot trend is still going strong, and its a trend i love. Sexy but covered is my go to look, and having your decolletage on show is much more appealing then having your boobs out (in my opinion.) Pair this with a pair of black pointed courts and black satin bag for a real contrast in materials and you are good to go.

3. Skirt - Missguided - Now this Skirt really caught my eye and for good reason too. First off it is super cheap. Second its a great colour and third the drop hem skirt is a beautiful style and fit. You could wear this day or night and rock it both ways no problem. For the evening a lace trim cami and some heeled sandals will look gorgeous. To keep it more casual in the day a simple white shirt tucked in and some over the knee black boots will make a killer outfit and perfect for strolling around the city, immersed in all the Christmas lights. You could even wear this on christmas day with a cozy jumper for that super festive look. Endless outfits and very little dollar is always a winner in my books.

4. Boots - Zara - Now these have to be my favourite out of all the velvet picks in this post. I literally love them. Everything about them screams fashion, style and elegance. I love that they are a little bit different with the exposed zip and tie up detail. There are so many trends going on in one little boot its hard not to squeal with delight. The colour is the perfect shade of blue navy, that they will still look great with black jeans, but also all the other Christmas colours, red, green, metallic's. I would style these little beautys with an all black outfit. A black satin shirt, some black skinny jeans and a pop of red lipstick and you are ready for your date night or drinks with the girls. 

5. Watch - Cluse - Now last but not least is one for the real velvet lover and also a great Christmas gift this year and that is this velvet strapped watch from Cluse. Now if you haven't seen my gift guide already i will link it here, but i featured one of the Cluse watches in that too. They are such a good price point and there really is something for everyone in there range. This blue velvet watch is just one from there velvet collection and i just think its a perfect statement accessory. Whats better if the velvet is just a phase your going through at the time the Cluse straps are the easiest to mix and match with super easy interchangeable straps. what more could you want!

So that is my five velvet picks, what do you think? I love them all and am really getting into the velvet trend this year, so go make a little velvet purchase this Christmas and put a smile on your face. Hope you enjoyed this post, there will be more from me this week as I am trying to blog every other day in December, my take on the 12 days of Christmas. Please be sure to go over to my Instagram @amyrowleyy and to follow me on bloglovin for more updates.

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Lydia Elise Millen, Monica Vinader and going to events on your own!

When I saw that there was a meet up at a Monica vinader store, with Lydia Elise millen as the star of the show, I knew I had to go. My favourite blogger and jewellery brand in one, what more could I ask for. At first I was really apprehensive to go on my own. First off I get nervous and awkward at the best of times and also what would I say, how would I start a conversation with anyone let alone Lydia!! However after tweeting about this and getting a fast response from Lydia herself I decided what have I really got to loose, and as I wasn't at work this day what excuse did I have?! None. So on Thursday evening I headed to London to see what it would be like. It's the first meet up I had ever been too so I really wasn't sure what to expect or how it was going to work. But when I got there I realised , no one else was either. Everyone was in the same boat and it made it a lot easier then expected. I started speaking to a lovely couple of girls and we all expressed our nerves but excitement too.

Let's start off by saying the Monica Vinader store is beautiful! It was there flagship store on duke or York square and it didn't disappoint. All the staff were lovely and we were given a glass of bubbly which definitely helped those nerves a little. We all seemed to naturally form a que and after waiting for a little while, myself and another lady Maria who had buddied up, finally got to meet and speak to Lydia and also her partner Allie. They were both honestly the nicest people, so down to earth and humble and she looked just as incredible as she does on social media! (I know I'm fangirling a bit, but hey we all have our inspirations)  we talked for a while about her YouTube channel, lumi her cat and random conversations about Allie and their boiler too . Haha yes that's right, it really was like talking to a good friend.

After having our conversation, we were then allowed to browse the store and the lovely jewellery , and kindly treated to 20% off, if we wished to make a purchase. I very reluctantly behaved myself and just mentally put everything I saw on my wish list! However the signature bangles really caught my eye, so I feel a purchase maybe made sooner rather then later.

I really just wanted to make this blogpost to tell you that is definitely okay to go to these events like these on your own. 6 months ago I wouldn't have dreamed of it but starting my blog has given me a lot more confidence and makes me think why not, much more often, which is good. Don't worry about what everyone else will think, do what makes you happy and explore your hobbies like any other person would!

Hope you enjoyed this little post from me, I'm blogging every other day leading up to Christmas so be sure to follow me on bloglovin and instagram (@amyrowleyy) for lots more festive fun and fashion!

Thanks for reading my lovelies! Xx

Thursday, 1 December 2016

November Round Up and catch up

Wow November flew past didn't it!? Not that i am complaining because it just means it closer to Christmas, which means my Christmas tree will be going up in no time! However we are not here to talk Christmas..just yet...instead i'm here to talk about November and all of the things that have been going on this month. 

To be honest i have been so busy with work this month. Working in retail from November onwards means only one thing, and thats later nights and busier days. But its fun, i enjoy being in a fast paced environment and enjoy being busy. That does mean however that i have really struggled to fit my blogging in and mainly getting outfit shots done. They are my favourite kind of blog post to put together for you guys, but i always need a helping hand with them, and someone that is good with a camera. Those nice angles, and good poses do not come naturally i tell you!! But hopefully i will be able to get some together very soon in time for the festive season. 
This month, i had my hair revamped again. I went a lot shorter and a lot blonder and i absolutely love it. I was quite taken a back at first as the blonde was so much different but now I'm used to it, i'm so glad i did it. My friend said to me 'i think you were actually born to be blonde' and hey i dont disagree with that one. What do you guys think?!

In terms of products i have been loving, i haven't really mixed things up that much this month. However two products from Mac have made my makeup this month and im so happy i have them in my makeup bag. The first is a lipstick from the Christmas gift collection and its called 'Magic spell'. Its a beautiful dark pinky nude and my perfect shade. It comes in a gift set with a lip liner and lip gloss too, and its a great present for Christmas. I was kindly given this by a great friend as a thank you gift, so as you can imagine i was a very happy bunny. The other MAC item is an eye shadow that i wore last week and i am not kidding i had about 5 compliments on it. It is the shade 'Star violet' and its a deep metallic purple pink shade. Its gorgeous and if you have green eyes like me, its a great colour to make them pop!

*Eyeshadow in Star violet and Lipstick in Magic Spell *

Another Materialistic item I've been loving this month is my new phone! I was due an upgrade and so decided  to treat myself to the Iphone 7 plus, and i absolutely love it. For me, my phone is my laptop, camera, and iPad all in one so its important to me that its right. The battery on this bad boy is insane and the camera is my other favourite feature. For a phone camera its amazing and i would definitely recommend this phone if like me, its your life. 

* My Iphone 7 Plus featuring a favourite blogger at the moment. Check her Instagram out @lisa.autumn *

Last but not least, as i think i have rambled on enough, i wanted to talk to you about something really personal to me and that's driving. You might be thinking, what are you on about, but learning to drive has been the bain of my life since i turned 17. It's something i have struggled with non stop, and have dreaded too. Its not that i can't do it or i don't understand it. But my anxiety when it comes to driving is sky high. I am a complete anxious wreck, its quite laughable really. However i decided to start again this month, and i also decided to try automatic. I was dreading it for days and it was keeping me up at night, but by the end of my first lesson last thursday, i felt a huge weight had been lifted from my chest. I found it so much easier, there was less to freak out about and to panic with, and i realised i really can do it, and im gooing to make sure i make it my mission to pass in 2017. I just wanted to tell you, if you find driving hard, or find anything difficult, you can do it. And there is always a way to make it work, its just finding the way for you personally. 

So on that positive note, i'm gonna leave this long ramble right there. I'm hoping to create some great content on my blog for you over Christmas and have some great ideas, so keep your eyes peeled for that and let's make it a great month, 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x
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