Wednesday, 7 December 2016

The Christmas tag, And Our first Christmas tree

So originally this post was meant to be all about our first Christmas tree, and a small decoration haul. However i thought i would mix it up a little bit and make it a bit more interesting for you guys by doing the christmas tag. Perfect if you are little nosey like me, or just love to talk Christmas. So lets get right into it shall we.

1. What is your favourite Christmas tradition? A lot of our family Christmas traditions have come and gone over the years, especially with age and getting older. However my favourite has to be, every Christmas eve evening, all gathering round the Christmas tree and picking a small present from under the tree to open early. Our mum most likely picked the presents she wanted us to open, and more often then not, there would be a theme. It was always something cute and fun, just to get us super excited for Christmas morning. I remember once me and my brother both getting Christmas pj's for Christmas eve, so that we were suited and booted for Christmas in the morning.

2. Where do you spend Christmas? I have always spent Christmas at home, or at my mum's. This year is no different even though i don't live at home anymore. It tends to be me, my brother, mum and anyone else who wants to join throughout the day. But i think its very important to spend Christmas day with your loved ones, no matter who or where they are. Plus i couldn't spend it without my little cat Fred, animals always make Christmas even more extra special.

3. What is your favourite Christmas song? Without a doubt it has to be 'All i want for Christmas' by Mariah Carey. Either that or the entire Christmas Michael Buble CD which i could easily listen to on repeat for hours.

4. Tinsel or Garland? Neither. When it comes to decorations, i am all about the lights and the baubles. I honestly hate tinsel and just think it looks cheap and nasty. My mum has definitely made me a Christmas decoration snob over the years *laughs* so i like them too look classy or cute.

5. Who are you most excited to see this Christmas? Fred. As i mentioned before i don't live at home anymore and i miss my little cat on a daily basis. Living in an apartment, means it just isn't ideal for pets, so any time spent with my little freddie is precious.

6. Do you own any Christmas jumpers? yes i do. I own one Christmas jumper from Asos a couple of years ago, and its super cute. Its quite subtle for a Christmas jumper, with little reindeer's on it. Keep your eyes peeled on my Instagram for it (amyrowleyy), as i'm sure it will be on there soon.

7. What is the one Christmas food you cannot live without? This really is a hard one, as the food around this time of year is one of the best parts to Christmas. I think i will go with the classic tin of Quality street that without, It just wouldn't be Christmas. In particular the pink country fudge and gold toffee penny which are my absolute faves!

8. Peppermint or Gingerbread? Gingerbread. but only because of the scent. I don't actually like the taste of gingerbread, but when it comes to building a Gingerbread House i am the first to volunteer. I am also obsessed with the Gingerbread Zoella handcream, called hungry hands. It makes me want to eat my hands, its so yummy.

9. What have you asked for this Christmas? A camera. I really want to improve my photo quality on my blog and maybe even make videos eventually, so a camera is the only thing I want this christmas. Fingers crossed.

10. If you could be any christmas movie character, who would you be? oooooh this is a difficult one. I think i would choose to be the little girl in the polar express. I think i would make the best animated character, and they just get to go on such a magical adventure that i know i would enjoy.

So there you have it. My mini Christmas tag and a little insight into my Christmas time each year. Hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading my lovelies x


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