Sunday, 23 April 2017

Life update and being a busy bee - Amy Rowley Lifestyle

Over the last couple of weeks, life has just managed to get in the way every time I have wanted to pick up the laptop. It's been full of a whirlwind of events and I feel like my head is only just coming round to all these changes as we speak. So of course, this has meant a lack of posts, inspiration and just generally time to get together good or 'worth posting' content, for my blog and all social networking channels. 

With this is in mind, I thought I would write a little life update blog post, to catch every one up to speed but also to take certain things off my mind and maybe use it as a bit of a release. 

First things first I turned 23 at the beginning of the weekend, which is crazy as I only look around the age of 17 but also crazy because where are the years going!?! I swear it only seemed yesterday that I turned 21 or even 18. 

For those that wished me happy birthday, thank you! I had a beautiful weekend with my boyfriend in Cambridge, exploring, shopping and even going on a punt which was great fun! I was then spoiled to a cream tea on the Monday by my beautiful best friend and a week later I was treated to a day out in London with my mum. We went to see Dreamgirls at the west end and it was incredible! I definitely recommend. It's safe to say I was spoilt rotten and truly am a very lucky girl!! 

* The beautiful city of Cambridge *

* One of the best musical I have ever seen...Dream girls *

Just Before my birthday I managed to conker one of my biggest fears and I passed my driving test. A huge milestone for me and something I am still very much terrified of, haha. For those that know me, learning to drive was not an easy task for me due to my anxiety. For those that think this may seem silly, for me it is one of the biggest achievements of my lifetime so far. 
This week I bought my first car, a little Renault Clio which I have name Ruby *laughs* it is such a cute little ride, it's now just getting used to using it. I am working myself up in small little routes and outings, but it's safe to say i'm not going to be doing a road-trip anytime soon haha. 

As well as all the madness, I managed to receive a promotion at my current workplace. I haven't been there long and without a doubt it came as the biggest shock, but i'm so happy and I finally feel like I am on the road to doing what i'm meant to be doing. If you asked me a couple of months ago I was still so confused and lost but I am now very happy and looking forward to the next leap. Even though I won't lie its still a little scary and I have a long way to go. 

So, as you can imagine life has just managed to go a bit crazy and of course i'm now run down and suffering from a cold that just means I am living my days with constantly trapped sneezes!! *rolls eyes* I hope you all stick around, as I am trying to get back into the swing of things. Hopefully give me a week or two and the content will be back to the normal standard and consistent too.

I hope you're having a lovely weekend, im trying to conquer this cold and work on my driving fun fun! 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 

Thursday, 1 December 2016

November Round Up and catch up

Wow November flew past didn't it!? Not that i am complaining because it just means it closer to Christmas, which means my Christmas tree will be going up in no time! However we are not here to talk Christmas..just yet...instead i'm here to talk about November and all of the things that have been going on this month. 

To be honest i have been so busy with work this month. Working in retail from November onwards means only one thing, and thats later nights and busier days. But its fun, i enjoy being in a fast paced environment and enjoy being busy. That does mean however that i have really struggled to fit my blogging in and mainly getting outfit shots done. They are my favourite kind of blog post to put together for you guys, but i always need a helping hand with them, and someone that is good with a camera. Those nice angles, and good poses do not come naturally i tell you!! But hopefully i will be able to get some together very soon in time for the festive season. 
This month, i had my hair revamped again. I went a lot shorter and a lot blonder and i absolutely love it. I was quite taken a back at first as the blonde was so much different but now I'm used to it, i'm so glad i did it. My friend said to me 'i think you were actually born to be blonde' and hey i dont disagree with that one. What do you guys think?!

In terms of products i have been loving, i haven't really mixed things up that much this month. However two products from Mac have made my makeup this month and im so happy i have them in my makeup bag. The first is a lipstick from the Christmas gift collection and its called 'Magic spell'. Its a beautiful dark pinky nude and my perfect shade. It comes in a gift set with a lip liner and lip gloss too, and its a great present for Christmas. I was kindly given this by a great friend as a thank you gift, so as you can imagine i was a very happy bunny. The other MAC item is an eye shadow that i wore last week and i am not kidding i had about 5 compliments on it. It is the shade 'Star violet' and its a deep metallic purple pink shade. Its gorgeous and if you have green eyes like me, its a great colour to make them pop!

*Eyeshadow in Star violet and Lipstick in Magic Spell *

Another Materialistic item I've been loving this month is my new phone! I was due an upgrade and so decided  to treat myself to the Iphone 7 plus, and i absolutely love it. For me, my phone is my laptop, camera, and iPad all in one so its important to me that its right. The battery on this bad boy is insane and the camera is my other favourite feature. For a phone camera its amazing and i would definitely recommend this phone if like me, its your life. 

* My Iphone 7 Plus featuring a favourite blogger at the moment. Check her Instagram out @lisa.autumn *

Last but not least, as i think i have rambled on enough, i wanted to talk to you about something really personal to me and that's driving. You might be thinking, what are you on about, but learning to drive has been the bain of my life since i turned 17. It's something i have struggled with non stop, and have dreaded too. Its not that i can't do it or i don't understand it. But my anxiety when it comes to driving is sky high. I am a complete anxious wreck, its quite laughable really. However i decided to start again this month, and i also decided to try automatic. I was dreading it for days and it was keeping me up at night, but by the end of my first lesson last thursday, i felt a huge weight had been lifted from my chest. I found it so much easier, there was less to freak out about and to panic with, and i realised i really can do it, and im gooing to make sure i make it my mission to pass in 2017. I just wanted to tell you, if you find driving hard, or find anything difficult, you can do it. And there is always a way to make it work, its just finding the way for you personally. 

So on that positive note, i'm gonna leave this long ramble right there. I'm hoping to create some great content on my blog for you over Christmas and have some great ideas, so keep your eyes peeled for that and let's make it a great month, 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x
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