Saturday, 3 December 2016

Lydia Elise Millen, Monica Vinader and going to events on your own!

When I saw that there was a meet up at a Monica vinader store, with Lydia Elise millen as the star of the show, I knew I had to go. My favourite blogger and jewellery brand in one, what more could I ask for. At first I was really apprehensive to go on my own. First off I get nervous and awkward at the best of times and also what would I say, how would I start a conversation with anyone let alone Lydia!! However after tweeting about this and getting a fast response from Lydia herself I decided what have I really got to loose, and as I wasn't at work this day what excuse did I have?! None. So on Thursday evening I headed to London to see what it would be like. It's the first meet up I had ever been too so I really wasn't sure what to expect or how it was going to work. But when I got there I realised , no one else was either. Everyone was in the same boat and it made it a lot easier then expected. I started speaking to a lovely couple of girls and we all expressed our nerves but excitement too.

Let's start off by saying the Monica Vinader store is beautiful! It was there flagship store on duke or York square and it didn't disappoint. All the staff were lovely and we were given a glass of bubbly which definitely helped those nerves a little. We all seemed to naturally form a que and after waiting for a little while, myself and another lady Maria who had buddied up, finally got to meet and speak to Lydia and also her partner Allie. They were both honestly the nicest people, so down to earth and humble and she looked just as incredible as she does on social media! (I know I'm fangirling a bit, but hey we all have our inspirations)  we talked for a while about her YouTube channel, lumi her cat and random conversations about Allie and their boiler too . Haha yes that's right, it really was like talking to a good friend.

After having our conversation, we were then allowed to browse the store and the lovely jewellery , and kindly treated to 20% off, if we wished to make a purchase. I very reluctantly behaved myself and just mentally put everything I saw on my wish list! However the signature bangles really caught my eye, so I feel a purchase maybe made sooner rather then later.

I really just wanted to make this blogpost to tell you that is definitely okay to go to these events like these on your own. 6 months ago I wouldn't have dreamed of it but starting my blog has given me a lot more confidence and makes me think why not, much more often, which is good. Don't worry about what everyone else will think, do what makes you happy and explore your hobbies like any other person would!

Hope you enjoyed this little post from me, I'm blogging every other day leading up to Christmas so be sure to follow me on bloglovin and instagram (@amyrowleyy) for lots more festive fun and fashion!

Thanks for reading my lovelies! Xx

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