Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Amy Rowley Lifestyle - Taking a Break

It's safe to say I haven't posted regularly in a while and not only have I missed it, but its added to my long list of stressful things. STRESS. A word thrown around a lot and a feeling that no one enjoys. And yes, you guessed it, that's where I've been; simply tackling life, being busy and more importantly feeling stressed more often than not. 

Because of this, I thought I would use my stress and turn it  into something productive...a blog post of course. Below are some of the things that I believe can help to relieve your levels of stress and ensure we take a little breather from life when needs be. 


Maxi Dress- ASOS
Sandals - Office (Old) 
Bag - Bershka
Belt - Topshop

Taking a break.

First things first, it's okay to take a small break. Let yourself work through the thoughts that you're tackling and take a step back from certain things in your life, allowing you to relax where possible. For this, it meant that my blog had to take a back seat, which is unfortunate, but it had to be done. we don't always have the energy to carry on typing and thinking when we get home and sometimes we all need to shut off for a little while. Don't ever be ashamed of recuperating and letting yourself sort things out.


Next up is sleep and for anyone that knows me they will be chuckling away to themselves, but my way of dealing with stress will often involve in good ol'naps. A nap at any time of the day, in any position, as long as it's a nap. It may seem silly or weird, but it can be the only way of shutting your brain off for a little while. Amongst many others, I suffer from anxiety on a daily basis and for any that share similarities in this, you will know that it can become draining and essentially exhausting. Taking yourself to your bed (my favourite place) to have a short but sweet nap, can sometimes be exactly what you need to power on through the rest of the day.


Something I don't do enough of, but will without a doubt level out your stress levels, is exercise which is the main reason that I've joined a gym. A new thing for me, after having a good two years of no gym activity but something that i'm excited to do. It's time to set goals and enjoy running off any stress that may have built up throughout the day. 

Learn to say no 

Last but not least, a very important point is to ensure that you spend your time as you wish. It can be so easy to say yes to everything and try to please people, something I do way too often, but your time should be spent as you wish. For me, this means making time to see my family more and also to spend quality time with  my boyfriend. For those that live with your partner, you will know that it's not till you get out of those four surrounding walls that you spend quality time with them and make those memories that you never forget.

After a month or two of being of the radar, I hope to be posting more regularly and get back to the blogging game. I really hope you enjoyed this post and if you can relate to any of these points then give yourself a break, because sometimes we all need one.

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 


  1. I so agree with this post hun! Breaks are important!

    xx Lisa | lisaautumn.com

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