Wednesday, 28 September 2016

September round up

It's been one of those days today where I just haven't wanted to leave the sofa or do anything much at all. We all have those days I guess, they don't do me much justice though and that's why I'm writing this post to go live tomorrow morning so at least I've done one productive thing today (apart from eating a huge share bag of maltesers...yes all to myself.) 
This month really has been a right mixture for me, and a proper little confusing one too. The weather hasn't helped and it just seems to not be able to make up its mind on if it's Autumn or not. Personally I am ready and raring to go. I'm waiting to get Autumn in full swing, cable knit jumpers and hot chocolates at the ready. But still The weather isn't sure and keeps springing us right back into the summer heat. There has been so many good things come out of the month though so I thought I would share with you the couple of things I've been loving this month. 

Fashion - let's start with the juicy details on all the fashion bits I've been loving this month. This month brought us an endless supply of fashion and trend inspiration with London fashion week and New York fashion week in full swing. This meant even more constant inspo pictures on Instagram wanting me to spend my pennies on all things pretty. The first thing I've indulged in has been my love for all things embroidery and it starts with what Rhys calls my biker jeans! In no way do they resemble biker jeans but hey ho that's boys and fashion for you. These were first posted in my 'that Gucci loafer post' which I will link for you here. These along with my other favourite the loafers themselves have been non stop all I want to wear for the past two weeks! And what's better they both go with everything I pair them with. You know you have yourself a winner when you constantly reach for them in your wardrobe. Anyway they have been my main favourite fashion items of the month but I have also been loving the look of yellow gold jewellery. 

This all started with a necklace I bought from accessorize and ever since I've just wanted to add more and more yellow gold to my jewellery box. I just think it looks really classy and great with black which is what I tend to wear everyday for work and more and more in the winter months. What's great about the accessorize necklace and the 'z' range in particular is its affordable but still gold plated and good quality. Perfect for when you want to add some change into your wardrobe. 

Beauty- Now beauty has been a pretty much no go subject this month I haven't wanted to try anything new and whatever I've seemed to try hasn't been working. And this is mainly down to my blooming skin. I suffer quite badly from eczema and it hasn't been my friend this month. There has been one thing I've been enjoying though and that's the collection 2000 eye shadow palettes in the rosey pink tones.  Trying to make more of a statement on my eyes takes any attention away from my skin or that's been the plan anyway. These little beauty's are great, super cheap and affordable and the pigmentation on the shadows is insane. I've had quite a few compliments on my eye shadow this month so it must be doing the trick.

Random - This month has been pretty active and jam packed when it comes to trips here, there and everywhere. Obviously my main favourite part of the month had to be mine and Rhys trip to Bruges in Belgium. I wont go on about it and sound like a broken record so if you want to read a little more about our trip and some fun things we did then head on over to my blog post, link here. 

The other main thing i have enjoyed this month has been spending some time at my old home with my family. For any of you that don't know i moved out with my boyfriend about 6 months ago and its probably one of the biggest things I've ever done in my life so far, well grown up things anyway. So its nice to go back home for the weekend or when i have time off work to see them. They don't live to far away, but i don't drive so i like to make it a proper day or two when i do get the chance. One of my weekends was spent just having a really chilled day or two with my mum, her boyfriend, my brother and my super adorable cat Fred. Fred is my world just so you know ( a little black cat full of character and everyone's favourite little being.) But anyway i think its important to spend time with your loved ones even if you do move a little further away. 

One last thing i have been loving and i just had to mention, has to be Wednesday night TV. I am in no way a TV lover at the best of times, definitely a Netflix, movie, or YouTube gal. However the combination of both the Great British bake off and Our girl, on a Wednesday evening has really been something that I've been looking forward to each week. If you don't watch either of these then what are you doing with your Wednesday nights?! Sit yourself in front of BBC1 for two hours from 8pm and you won't come away disappointed. 

So there you have it. On to October another jam packed month i'm sure. What have you loved this month and like me are you excited for it to get a little bit colder? 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 

Sunday, 25 September 2016

A little break in bruges, Five must do's and some tips and tricks along the way

It was that time of year again, a week off with no plans just empty days that needed filling. Me and Rhys like getting time off in September, the summer is still lingering and school years have started, meaning better prices for our purses and quieter cities, restaurants and just generally everything. Last year we went to Rhodes in Greece, but this year i decided i wanted a little exploring break, no bikinis no sun cream, just great scenery, great company and a little bit of history. When we found our deal on Secret escapes, we decided Bruges, in Belgium looked like a great place to go exploring. For any of you that don't know, secret escapes is a great website with great deals from full on holidays, city breaks or even just a night in hotel, all with a discount, no matter how small, every little helps as Tesco say.  So we packed our little suitcases and bundled into the car on Monday, heading straight for the euro tunnel. We had such a lovely couple of days and instead of just telling you about it, i thought i would make it a little more informative by telling you 5 musts when in the city and some little tips in case you wish to explore the city yourself. Obviously all filled out with copious amount of pictures, taken by one snap happy tourist (Moi).

1. First thing that's a must and pretty much a given wherever you go, is simply to just explore and go wild. There are so many little cute streets and monuments, hidden in every corner of the city. Perfect for any budding photographers or just wannabes like myself *chuckles*. You can rent a bike and cycle around the city, take a horse and carriage ride, yep that's a thing, and although it is expensive at 50 euro a pop, you can get 4 of you in so once this price is divided it doesn't seem so bad. Or like us you can keep it simple, old fashioned and of course free and explore the city by foot. We did so much walking on our trip, which was great for me as walking is one of my favourite things to do and even better we were spoilt by the weather so it meant we got to soak up the last of the lingering summer weather that seems to be about at the moment. I think its good to get lost (we did plenty of times) and just have fun with it, sometimes not having a plan or a route to stick to, just works.


2. The next thing you must do, is take a boat trip along the canal. The canal is quite a big part to Bruges, which is why it is often referred to as the Venice of the north. It quite reminds me of Cambridge, with the bikes everywhere and the canal running through the city, so if you have ever been you will know what i'm going on about. Anyway, you can pick the boats up from several spots along the canal, they are about 8 Euro per person and last approximately 35 minutes. Its a great way to give your little legs a rest, well in my case anyway, and to sit back and relax while taking in the scenery. Our tour guide, also provided us with little fun facts about the city and the houses and buildings we passed, which was quite interesting and fun. Again get your camera out and take some snaps, as you get some great views.

3. The third thing, is quite simply to eat a waffle. As simple as it is, you won't regret it and its just a must have while in Belgium, after all they are famous for there waffles, chocolate and fries, what a perfect combination. You can pick one up at any cafe, or restaurant. In my opinion its better to take one away as its quite a bit cheaper and more enjoyable, balancing on the little paper plate while trying not to spill it everywhere *chuckles*. Rhys is in no way a sweet person, pancakes and waffles are always a no go, however even he delved in and he wasn't complaining. I had mine with cappuccino flavoured ice cream, Rhys stuck with traditional vanilla, but if you prefer a fruit topping, or whipped cream and chocolate sauce, lets put it this way the possibilities are endless.

4. The fourth Must do is to head up the Belfort in the market square and be prepared for some views. For any of you that don't enjoy heights this isn't for you, but if you like them then this is perfect. It is 366 steps up to the top of the tower, a little climb and quite steep too but well worth it. I would recommend shoes with a good grip as the steps were a little slippery and maybe don't wear a skirt like silly old me, where anyone behind you has a glorious sight as you climb on up. Once at the top you can look out onto the entire city and if you wait for it to hit half past or on the hour the bells will ring and its quite something. It's just quite an enjoyable experience and well worth the climb.

5. The fifth and final must do is to head to a museum of your choice and just have a laugh. There are plenty to choose from, either a fries museum, a history museum, even a diamond museum. Or as we chose, typically,  the chocolate museum. Its rather small and dated, but interesting and funny nonetheless and its always fun to learn things you never knew. If i went again i would probably head to the history museum just to learn a little more about the history of the city and the culture surrounding it.

So those were my five must do's while in Bruges, now for a couple of tips when staying there or visiting the city. My most recommended tip when staying in Bruges is to head to your local supermarket and stock up on drinks and snacks. We found out very quickly that all the drinks and food can be ridiculously priced. We had two sandwiches and two drinks in one place and the bill came to 37 Euros! Yes really! The drinks are all at least 3 euro even for water and the sizes you are given are tiny. When taking your boyfriend that needs constant supply of food and drink, the trip can get very spendy very quickly. We also found the selection of food wasn't great either, a lot of fish and mussels and if that's not something your fond of the menus can get very tiring easily. The rather large selection of  Italian restaurants hanging around seemed to be our saving grace.

My next tip is to take some comfy shoes and be prepared to walk. The city is full of windy cobbled streets, quite uneven and everything is quite widely spread, so after walking from place to place you would have already walked a couple of miles, just on one outing. It is definitely not a heels place and its very casual as well so you don't need to look flash while exploring which is always a bonus. It definitely seemed to be very much a daytime place, the evenings were very quiet and its not from what we saw a crazy night out. However if you were to go on a weekend....well who knows!

My last tip is if you have a working car, and like me your not a huge fan of flying if you don't have to. Just use the euro tunnel. I was a bit skeptical at first, Rhys and i drove around on our last trip and that was a nightmare at times, but honestly with this drive you really can't go wrong. It is literally one straight road from Calais in France, to Belgium Bruges, with only 10 minutes of roads after this leading you into the city. For once i wasn't feeling like i wanted to close my eyes and pray, but enjoy what was around me *laughs*. 

Anyway so there you have it. A little insight into my trip away this week, some must do's and a few little tips just in case. We honestly had a lovely time and it was just what we needed. I feel we saw as much as we wanted to in three days, but maybe one day i would go back for the Christmas markets as i have heard they are wonderful. Hope you enjoyed reading about my little break in Bruges and have all had a lovely weekend. 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 


Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Drop Hem Gorgeous

Now this is what i can a chilled weekend outfit. Heading out for Sunday brunch and a walk with the dog, or running into town for errands. These kind of outfits have to be really comfortable, effortlessly cool and the more layers to the outfit the better, especially for winter. I saw this top, the other day when i was buying work uniform, yep that's right i go in for black trousers and tops i come out of the shop with a pink tee. Sounds about right. I love this dusty rose pink colour, that seems to be all the rage still this season. Spring time it was everywhere and i have a gorgeous pink coat this colour so i'm glad to see its still going strong for autumn/winter. I think this top could be worn with heeled boots and a leather jacket to make it look a little more sophisticated if that is what your all about. I just wanted to show you how an understated outfit can still look cool. 
This top is from Vila i bought it in Fenwick Colchester, however i can't seem too find it anywhere online. There is a very similar longer sleeved top on the Vila website though so take a look at that one if you like this. Link Here

* Converse - Kurt Geiger *

For this very casual spin on things i decided to keep it simple and throw on a plain pair of black wash denim, skinny of course and some black converse. I have always had white converse till quite recently when i picked these up from Kurt Geiger. I literally love them, i forgot how comfortable Converse can be and i find these black are actually more stylish and versatile then the white ones at times. If you don't own a pair of Converse then get yourself some, you won't regret it!

I definitely can't get the hang of this posing malarkey clearly *sighs*

* Khaki parka Jacket - H&M

* Badges - Zara *

For those colder and blustery days, a throw on jacket is just what you need to take this outfit to the next level. I bought this khaki parka Jacket type thing from H&M a little while ago and i literally love it. I bought it in a size 10 so it was slightly over sized and i just throw it over anything, especially as i am always cold without a doubt. There are loads of these floating about on the market, with badges and all sorts on them but i like this more simple version. I did however attach some cute little pin badges from Zara to give it a little bit of texture and added interest. 

I hope you like this slightly more casual outfit post from me today, i know i definitely like wearing these outfits they may be more simplistic but also realistic so great for every day. 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x


Tuesday, 20 September 2016

5 Work Wear Staples and keeping your work wardrobe interesting

Do you ever feel like your work wardrobe is lacking and it bores you to think of something to put on in the morning? Do you feel like buying work wear items is a bore and so uninteresting? Well join the club. I say to myself every month, right lets invest a little and buy a couple of nice bits for my work wardrobe, but it just never happens and it honestly frustrates me so much. I get so fed up of putting on the same items every week and thinking oh that will do. I want to still feel stylish and trendy in my work wear clothes and know that if last minute drinks after work is offered i wont be afraid to say no because i look and feel like i'm wearing a sack. So today i'm gonna share with you 5 work wear staples that we all need in our wardrobe and a couple of tips on how to keep your work outfits interesting and trendy. 

1. The first Staple in your work wear wardrobe life is a simple white shirt. They don't have to cost loads and you can find them anywhere so its an easy one to start off with. White shirts are most possibly one of the most versatile pieces any person could have in their wardrobe. You can wear them under things, throw things over them and layer to your hearts content. They also look great with any kind of bottoms. Whats even better is you don't have to keep this to work wear only...No. A nice white shirt will look so cute and stylish with some ripped jeans and heels, or pair of trainers. 

* White shirt - H&M *

2. The second staple you should have is a great pair of black trousers. Each individual will prefer a different fit to suit there body shape so that my friends is up to you, but a good fitting pair of black trousers is something everybody needs. Don't be afraid to invest in them either, because when you find that perfect pair you wont want to take them off for days. For me i'm quite short and have a small waist and small legs, so i always tend to suit petite skinny trousers, as the straight leg can sometimes make me look a little silly. 

* Trousers - Warehouse *

3. A little black dress is the third staple in your work wardrobe. Following on from my last post (link here,) i think that this is something every girl needs and not just for work but casual too. I think it is important to pick something that fits nicely and is comfortable to work in all day. With work wear, the fit of the pieces is probably one of the most important things. To keep things interesting, any detailing on the dress is welcome, you don't need to keep it plain and simple, mess around with things like lace, embroidery and embellishment. 

* LBD - Zara *

4. The next staple is a Blazer. A great blazer can make anything look professional, so if your down to your last t shirt and trousers combination, you can chuck on this blazer and automatically you look ready for business. Again i'm gonna bang on about the fit of the products but it really does make all the difference. I like quite a fitted style that cinches me in at the waist to create some curves that really aren't there, however if your prefer a more relaxed look, the boyfriend fit blazer can look really nice too, a little bit more effortlessly cool. 

* Blazer - Topshop *

5. A pair of comfortable shoes is the last and final work wear staple. Whether they are flat black loafers or a pair of comfortable pair of heels it is so important to make sure you are comfortable. Especially if like me you are on your feet all day. Personally i'm more a flats girl however in the winter i prefer to wear ankle boots with a slight heel just to mix things up a little. 

* Heeled loafers - Asos *

Texture - Now on to those tips to keep things interesting.and the first is to play with textures and different fabrics. For instance a chiffon blouse or a top with pleats or embroidery will give that extra boost to your wardrobe. Plisse pleat culottes are all the rage at the moment so pair those with your white shirt and it will look a lot more interesting then a simple black skirt. Ruffles are also really on trend at the moment so try and incorporate fashion trends in subtle ways. 

Accessories - If all else fails jazz up your work wardrobe with some fancy accessories. Use jewellery, or a cute belt or scarf to add texture pattern and trends to your work wardrobe. By adding a simple choker to a white shirt, or a silk scarf you can make an outfit 10 times more interesting. The same goes for shoes, a funky pair of boots with detail to the heel or a pair of pointy patent heels can take an outfit from boring to wow. 

I hope you liked my tips and picks for your work wardrobe, and its inspired you to have a little more fun with it. Your work wardrobe doesn't have to feel like a chore. 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 


Monday, 19 September 2016

A summer to autumn little black dress

So i decided i wanted to make a Missguided order. I very rarely shop on Missguided, for several reasons. The first i am never sure on the quality of the products as it can be very unreliable, and also i find that things tend to look lovely on the models on the website but when it comes to little old me, they just never suit me. I see so many people on Instagram rocking this and that so i thought i'd just have a little browse. This resulted in me making a little order. I did my usual click and collect and it arrived super quickly. As i thought most items ended up going back, however i did keep a couple of things and one of those, being this little black dress.

Every girl should have that little black dress in her wardrobe, and i think its great to have one that you know you can wear whatever the season. When i saw this online i knew it was right up my street. It is so simple but with the ruffle details its just keeps it interesting and on trend. Whats even better about this is it could be styled in so many different ways. You could pop a pair of pointed stilettos on, rock a red lip and a sequin bag and your ready for any evening event, Christmas party included, with that pop of red on your lips. You could grunge it down with a pair of converse and a leather jacket. For your work wardrobe you could pair it with a pair of loafers, (see last post here.) And with the colder months ahead pop a long sleeve tee underneath, maybe a burgundy red for a little bit of colour, some thicker tights and pair of boots and your ready to face that English winter.

* Little black dress - Missguided *

I have kept this look really simple, perfect for a day out with the girls, a meal and drinks out with friends or a date night. I have pulled the dress in at the waist to give myself a little bit of shape with my old favourite, western belt from Topshop. This little beauty just works with everything and it keeps the trendy vibe of the outfit going. 

For shoes i have paired mine with a simple pair of black boots. These are just an old pair i got from Asos last year, but i will link a couple of ideas below. Just like the little black dress, every girl needs a a pair of little black boots for all year round. The heel to the boot is just enough to keep it dressy but comfortable and they look great with everything, jeans, skirts dresses you name it.

For accessories, i have bought out another old goodie, my little Celine box bag dupe from mango and my Rayban clubmaster sunglasses. Mine are a prescription pair from boots as i am blind as a bat but you can get these anywhere these days. I love them.

* Rayban Clubmasters - Zalando *

So there you have my little spin on a little black dress, i'm sure when December hits another little black dress will be on the scene but for now this beauty is just perfect. 

Thanks for reading my lovelies. x 


Sunday, 18 September 2016

That 'Gucci' loafer

If like me your always on the look out for a designer dupe, something that looks the part but dosent come with the price tag, then your in the right place. I'm sure by now you will know that my love for the Gucci trends at the moment. The embroidery, the red floral prints and the famous Dionysus bag, that every blogger and their mother has. Well anyway, the huge Gucci loafer trend has gone crazy on the high street and i have found a cute pair of dupes for under £30. Yes people.. £30!!
I picked my pair up from Topshop, they are pleather so, so inexpensive and perfect for a trend like this that might not be around forever. You can however spend a little bit more if you wish and get a cute leather pair for just over £60. Not bad considering the real thing is about £500. I will link mine and a couple of others below for you to take a little peak at and maybe treat yourself. 
With winter on the way they are just the perfect pair of shoes for that in between awkward season stage, where your wardrobes not sure if it needs another tea dress or a heavy knit jumper. You can literally wear these babies with everything in your wardrobe.  They make a t-shirt and jeans combo trendy, or team them with a dress and some tights for a girly look. I know i'm definitely going to get my wear out of them this season. 

For this look i have paired my loafers, with some gorgeous black wash jeans, with embroidery at the top. I love the embroidered jeans going around at the moment but these are perfect for that little more understated look, with just a couple of patches. What is great about these is a blouse tucked in and a statement belt will look the bomb, showing the embroidery off and rocking a statement piece. However pull the shirt out and leave it flowing, simple no fuss pair of denim and no one would ever know. I'm not one of these people that wear something once and throw it no i like to get my fair share of wears out of an item, so these are perfect for just that. 

* Embroidered jeans - Newlook *

* Pleated Tank - H&M (not online sorry), similar from Riverisland *

For my top, another huge trend at the moment, especially in terms of culottes, but i have paired this look with a cute high neck plisse pleat tank. This again is such a versatile piece and could be worn dressed up or down. I might even wear it to work, with some smart trousers just to keep  things interesting in that department. Its a lightweight fabric so perfect for the autumn months especially with the waves of random heat we keep having in England. I picked this item up from H&M and it was a right little bargain at £7.99, i love H&M for these little items as they are never over priced and even if you did only wear it a couple of times, you know you have your wear out of the item.

* Hamsa hand necklace - Accessorize *

For accessories i kept it pretty simple with my everyday bracelet stack, a mix from Pandora, Chlobo and Thomas Sabo. My necklace is a new find from the 'z' collection in accessorize, the cute hamsa hand is gold plated and was just over a tenner. I have seen so many similar on the market for a small fortune so i had to pick it up. For any of you interested i have written a blog post all about some of my favourite jewellery brands, i will link it below if any of you are interested.

I hope you enjoyed reading this style post from me, keep reading for more this week, as London fashion week is on i thought i would do something a little different. 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 

Friday, 16 September 2016

Autumnal Acorn Biscuits

Now i know what your thinking...its not autumnal enough to be making acorn biscuits, the sun is still shining strong and don't even get me started on the heat. However i disagree, you can never be too autumnal and at the ready for the upcoming months and these are the perfect way to ease you in gently. These little biscuits are so super simple to make and good fun too. Myself and my friend Emily (her blog is here) decided it was time to once again get our baking heads on and create some autumnal treats. With the old favourite the bake off currently flooding our TV screens every Wednesday, i feel even more creative then usual. Who else sits there and once its finished gets that itch to bake!? So lets get into the recipe. 

Ingredients you will need :
150g Plain flour (extra for dusting)
50g Caster sugar
100g softened butter
A few drops of vanilla essence
1 Egg

For decoration:
Milk Chocolate
White Chocolate
chocolate sprinkles

Equipment you will Need
Acorn cookie cutter (link here)
Rolling pin

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees, and line a baking tray with grease proof paper.
2. Take the caster sugar and flour and mix together, then add the butter and use your hands to mix it in and form a crumbly mixture. 
3. Lightly beat the egg in a bowl and a few drops of Vanilla essence, then add slowly to your mixture folding it in with a wooden spoon.
4. Once the egg is mixed in you will see a soft dough form, take this and place it on a surface dusted in flour. 
5. Cover your rolling pin in a dusting of flour also and roll out your dough until it is approximately 1 inch think. Take your cookie cutter and gently cut out your acorn shaped biscuits, laying them into the baking tray. You should be able to get about 10 biscuits out of the dough. 
6. Pop in the oven for 10 mins until a little golden and then remove from the oven and leave to cool. 

For the icing:

1. Take your milk chocolate and melt it in a bowl above a hot pan of water on the hob. Take a piping bag and fill it with chocolate, cutting a very small nozzle at the end. 
2. Pipe the chocolate over the entire surface of the biscuit as evenly as possible. Use a spoon to even out and spread if needs be. Repeat this process to all biscuits.
4. Take your chocolate sprinkles and tap on to the top of the acorn wear the little acorn hat would be. Shake off any excess when dry. 
5. For added character, take some melted chocolate, and add a small line to your acorn, to create the image of a re flexion. 

There you have it, cute and yummy acorn shaped biscuits, that any squirrel would be proud of. While engrossed in the baking madness of today, Emily and i also created some cinnamon apple shaped cupcakes. Head over to her blog for the recipe and some more autumnal baking inspiration. Link here. 

Hope you enjoyed reading today's post and have a go at making some yourself.
Thanks for reading my lovelies x


Sunday, 11 September 2016

5 Autumnal lip colours

It's that time of year again, the leaves are changing colours, we're starting to think about our chunky knit jumpers and our comfy boots. And with all the changes, we start to think about our makeup bag too. My skin starts to want a heavier moisturiser and glitter seems more and more appropriate with Christmas in the far approaching future. Most importantly it's that time of year when I feel like it's definitely okay to rock a darker lip colour. I have rummaged through my makeup box to find five lovely colours, bright, bold and muted all perfect to add to your autumnal wardrobe and brighten up that all black outfit that you just seem to always chuck on last minute. It's also a great way of injecting colour into your work wardrobe. ( more on that later on into the week,) but sometimes when your dress code calls out cold and drab you can play around with colour from your makeup. So let's get into it yes!? 

1. The first lipstick I found was the famous Rimmel Kate 107. Now if you haven't seen or heard about this colour where have you been haha! It's a beautiful deep red, with enough brown and red tones in it to make it perfect for even every day wear. Perfect if secretly you just wanna be like Taylor Swift *chuckles* . It's super comfortable on the lips and not too drying which is something I have to watch out with constantly. The formula seems to last really well but if you do need to re-apply throughout the day after that most important lunch time, it doesn't look Cakey and build up on the lips. Thumbs up in my books people! 

2. Next up is my new favourite Mac colour. i purchased it a few weeks ago after watching Megan Ellaby's YouTube video. The colour in question is Persistence. If you love velvet teddy you will adore this. It's a slightly darker version with slightly more orangey tones, and i just absolutely love it. It's a matte formula so perfect for Autumn. I find as long as I put on a lip balm before hand my lips can just about take it. I definitely recommend checking this bad boy out, get yourself down to a Mac counter and swatch away. 

3. Number three is a slightly different colour for me but when I do wear it I always get complimented on the colour. This is perfect for a night out with a little black dress. It's a Bourjois rouge edition velvet lipstick in the colour 'Pink Pong'. I do only tend to wear this on a night out as it is really quite a bright and hot pink colour, but it's perfect for those nights when you just need a pop of colour. The velvet texture can be quite drying on the lips but they last sooo long and don't go cakey when you need to re apply! The liquid lipstick trend is still going super strong and I think this winter it's going to be bigger then ever. 

*Bourjois-pink pong, Rimmel-107,  MAC- Persistence, Tanya Burr - Martha Moo, L'Oreal-Blake's red *

4. Staying on the liquid lipstick hype, the new Tanya burr lipstick from her soft Luxe collection in the colour Martha moo is just beautiful. A little of this goes a long long way so you don't need to plaster it on your lips, but a nice light wash of the colour and you are good to go. It's a beautiful rosy colour with hints of brown, perfect for the Autumn months. Plus these are super affordable too, so definitely head down to super drug and pick one up. 

5. Last but not least is a true red colour that is just stunning and great for day or night. It's a L'Oreal lipstick from the colour Riche Pure Reds collection. Each shade of red is named after a celebrity and the idea is that you pick the shade and hair colour that matches the celebrity to you, giving you the perfect shade of red for your skin tone. Being me I completely ignored that and went straight for the Blake lively colour, just because who doesn't want to look just that little bit more like Blake. It is definitely a true classic red colour in matte formula. A little brighter in comparison to the Rimmel 107 shade but just as lovely. I wear this shade and love it but it would definitely look just as lovely if not more on a fair skin tone with blonde locks. I don't find this formula to drying on the lips, especially with a good lip balm on first, it does need a top up every now and again though.

So there you have it, 5 great autumnal lip colours for the upcoming months. i hope this has inspired you to be a little bit more daring with the colour of your lipstick and let me know of any favourites you have. Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are enjoying what is left of the summer sun on this bright warm Sunday. 

Thanks for reading lovelies x


Wednesday, 7 September 2016

My top Jewellery brand picks

Anyone that knows me will know my love for anything sparkly or pretty, and will also know how much i love jewellery in general. I think jewellery is great for many things. It can be the perfect gift for someone, personal or pretty. But they are also a great way of jazzing up an outfit, creating a statement or taking something and turning it into something beautiful and much more on trend then it was before. Take a choker for instance. Pop a plain white tee on, with a pair of ripped denim jeans, plain and simple but add a simple black choker and boots and bobs your uncle, your a fashionista in the making. I happen to work with jewellery every day, and i know lots of the insides and outs, so i thought why not share with you some of my favourite brands, and a couple of picks from each one.

Monica Vinader - Initial Necklace

Accessorize - Pearl Choker

Monica Vinader - for any of you reading this that know me well,  you will know this is my number one all time favourite jewellery brand. I can happily say i like every piece they do and would be a very happy bunny if someone treated me to something, just like i have been in the past. My fascination for the brand started way back when i started watching the makeup goddess that is Lisa Eldridge on YouTube. She used to wear two beautiful rings with semi precious stones in and from then on i was obsessed. I own two pieces of there jewellery, both gifts from special people in my life and i love them. You will have probably seen one of them a lot on my Instagram account (@amyrowleyy) and that is my rose gold initial necklace. I am forever getting compliments on it and it goes with everything. Currently on my wish list are the new Linear stone bracelet and rings, as well as the gorgeous signature bangle in rose gold (hint hint). With most Monica Vinader jewellery you can get it personalised which is a lovely touch i think, perfect for the Christmas months that are looming. 

Pandora - Moments Charm Bracelet,  Monica Vinader - Bangle 

Chlobo - My next jewellery favourite is a brand called Chlobo. It is a brand I work with on a day to day basis and its a firm favourite all round.  The idea behind the brand is all about the stack, and the meanings behind each charm. They are all sterling silver or gold plated, and the bracelets are on a stretchy silicone cord, so they are super easy to get on and off. There main focus are the stacking bracelets,  but they do a lovely range of necklaces and earrings also. The tassel charm is my favourite, manly because it is so pretty but also because it is supposed to distract evil and negativity, which i think everyone needs a bit of in there life. I was kindly given a  bracelet in a work competition but i'm eager to add to my stack. There new collection comes out the end of September and it has some beautiful pieces in it so be sure to check it out.

(Close up of Pandora bracelet, Chlobo bracelet and Pandora essence bangle)

Pandora - Next up is the very popular and most known brand for sure, and that is Pandora. You really can't go wrong with Pandora. It in my eyes for the quality is very affordable, and it is for all ages. The charm bracelets are of course the main star, however i think that the rings, and some of there more sophisticated collections are hidden gems. I'm very lucky to own a fair amount of their jewellery that i have been gifted and collected over the years. They are very clever and i always think that their marketing is fantastic. As a brand they continue to bring out different collections, as often as possible for all the different seasons, which is what makes it so addictive and interesting. 

Accessorize 'Z' Range - Last but not least, is definitely a more affordable and budget friendly jewellery brand, but still of good quality and beautiful designs. The Accessorize 'Z' range, is sterling silver or gold plated jewellery, in very intricate and delicate designs. Some of the pieces include semi precious stones or cubic zirconia for some added sparkle, and its safe to say i struggle with choosing what pieces i like the most every time i go to have a look at the collection in my nearest store. I have a small collection of some of the pieces and each piece is as adorable as the next. For anyone on a budget but like me you love jewellery and expensive looking delicate pieces, that look good layered head over to accessorize. Pieces are all around the £12 to £25 mark. Oh and heads up if you get yourself a Accessorize reward card, you could get 20% off this Thursday and Friday (8th,9th September,) so go and treat yourself to something pretty. 

( A few pieces from last season 'Z' Collection, new collection linked above )

So there you have it, jewellery 101 with Amy Rowley *chuckles*. But seriously if your a jewellery lover like me, or in need of purchasing a gift for a special friend, check these brands out, you wont be disappointed. Or if you like come visit me at Fenwick Colchester Where we have a super selection of brands suitable for everyone, all in sparkly new counters ready for our launch on the 14th September. 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x


Sunday, 4 September 2016

Brunch @ Home

I am a big fan of brunch and breakfast, especially on a day off. I feel like its one of those meals we can forget about on a day to day basis, when we are rushing out the door with a piece of toast or banana in our hand. I know i for one am one of these people, which is why when i find i have the morning to myself and i'm not rushing to be somewhere, its nice to have fun with it. Now obviously the first thing that pops into my mind is lets go out for brunch, however i have found recently you can have just as nice food and just as much fun at home. Grab your kids or partner and drag them into the kitchen to create your perfect brunch options. Another perk of doing it at home, if you find like me your rota isn't so in sync with everyone else, brunch for one is so much better this way. The comfort of your own sofa and the company of the TV, is the perfect mix. Any way enough rambling you say and get to the food, well read on and ill show you a couple of my favourites.

Pancakes - Of course i couldn't talk about brunch and not mention at least one type of pancakes. Now normally i'm always a crepe style Pancake kind of girl. They are so super quick and easy to make, and it is near enough impossible to get them wrong. However recently i have tried to make the American style pancakes, slightly thicker and more dense. They take a little bit longer but boy they are worth it. Pair them with some mixed berries and a drizzle of syrup and you have a winner.


3 large eggs
115g plain flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
140ml milk
pinch of salt 
Butter for cooking
(to decorate)
Mixed berries
Golden syrup
Sprinkle of icing sugar


1. To start with separate your eggs. Yolk in one bowl and white in another. Take the yolks and add the flour, baking powder and milk to the mixture. Fold it all in together until it forms a thick batter.
2. Then take the egg whites, place a pinch of salt in there and mix together until soft peaks form. Fold the egg whites into the batter until it is all thoroughly mixed in. 
3. Heat your hob to a medium temperature and place a non stick frying pan on it to preheat. Pop a knob of butter in to the pan and wait until melted. Then take a teaspoon or two of batter and place into the middle of the pan. 
 4. Fry until air bubbles in the pancake show, then flip and cook the same on the other side. Repeat this process until all the mixture has been used. 
5. For toppings take a handful of mixed berries, sprinkle them on top and a little bit of icing sugar too. Take your syrup and add as much as you like to make them super sweet and yummy.

Avocado bagel - Now this next one is so simple it doesn't even need a recipe. For any of you that love avocado, this is perfect. Instead of toast i like to take a bagel, and pop it in the toaster. While this is cooking, i take my Avocado and once taken from its shell mash it in a bowl with a pinch of salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon. 
Once the Bagel is toasted and warm, with a tiny bit of butter, take the avocado and spread evenly. It might look like a mess but it sure doesn't taste like one. If you know you have to be somewhere but still want to enjoy your breakfast, this is the one for you. 

Smoothies - Last but not least, is the option for a breakfast smoothie. These work just as well when your on the go as you can easily take this with you, when in a rush. I however like to have my Smoothie in a cute little jar, with a striped straw just for fun. Now with Smoothies obviously any flavour or ingredients can be mixed together of your choice. This option is purely just one i have been enjoying recently. 

You will need:
1 banana 
Handful of blueberries
Handful of strawberries 
Handful of Raspberries
200ml Coconut water 
Little bit of ice

After chopping into pieces where necessary, take all of the ingredients and place into the mixer. Mix until smooth and pour into your chosen cup. Literally how simple, easy and quick. I promise you, you wont be disappointed, and whats even better is how super healthy these are. If you struggle to eat enough fruit or veg in the day this is a perfect way to sneak 1 or 2 of your five a day into your diet. 

So there you have it. Brunch @ home. These are just a couple of ideas to get you started but i am always trying new ones, so i'm sure brunch @ home 2.0 wont be far away. Hope you enjoyed reading and if you try any of these please do let me know. Whats your favourite brunch?

Thanks for reading my lovelies x

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