Wednesday, 28 September 2016

September round up

It's been one of those days today where I just haven't wanted to leave the sofa or do anything much at all. We all have those days I guess, they don't do me much justice though and that's why I'm writing this post to go live tomorrow morning so at least I've done one productive thing today (apart from eating a huge share bag of maltesers...yes all to myself.) 
This month really has been a right mixture for me, and a proper little confusing one too. The weather hasn't helped and it just seems to not be able to make up its mind on if it's Autumn or not. Personally I am ready and raring to go. I'm waiting to get Autumn in full swing, cable knit jumpers and hot chocolates at the ready. But still The weather isn't sure and keeps springing us right back into the summer heat. There has been so many good things come out of the month though so I thought I would share with you the couple of things I've been loving this month. 

Fashion - let's start with the juicy details on all the fashion bits I've been loving this month. This month brought us an endless supply of fashion and trend inspiration with London fashion week and New York fashion week in full swing. This meant even more constant inspo pictures on Instagram wanting me to spend my pennies on all things pretty. The first thing I've indulged in has been my love for all things embroidery and it starts with what Rhys calls my biker jeans! In no way do they resemble biker jeans but hey ho that's boys and fashion for you. These were first posted in my 'that Gucci loafer post' which I will link for you here. These along with my other favourite the loafers themselves have been non stop all I want to wear for the past two weeks! And what's better they both go with everything I pair them with. You know you have yourself a winner when you constantly reach for them in your wardrobe. Anyway they have been my main favourite fashion items of the month but I have also been loving the look of yellow gold jewellery. 

This all started with a necklace I bought from accessorize and ever since I've just wanted to add more and more yellow gold to my jewellery box. I just think it looks really classy and great with black which is what I tend to wear everyday for work and more and more in the winter months. What's great about the accessorize necklace and the 'z' range in particular is its affordable but still gold plated and good quality. Perfect for when you want to add some change into your wardrobe. 

Beauty- Now beauty has been a pretty much no go subject this month I haven't wanted to try anything new and whatever I've seemed to try hasn't been working. And this is mainly down to my blooming skin. I suffer quite badly from eczema and it hasn't been my friend this month. There has been one thing I've been enjoying though and that's the collection 2000 eye shadow palettes in the rosey pink tones.  Trying to make more of a statement on my eyes takes any attention away from my skin or that's been the plan anyway. These little beauty's are great, super cheap and affordable and the pigmentation on the shadows is insane. I've had quite a few compliments on my eye shadow this month so it must be doing the trick.

Random - This month has been pretty active and jam packed when it comes to trips here, there and everywhere. Obviously my main favourite part of the month had to be mine and Rhys trip to Bruges in Belgium. I wont go on about it and sound like a broken record so if you want to read a little more about our trip and some fun things we did then head on over to my blog post, link here. 

The other main thing i have enjoyed this month has been spending some time at my old home with my family. For any of you that don't know i moved out with my boyfriend about 6 months ago and its probably one of the biggest things I've ever done in my life so far, well grown up things anyway. So its nice to go back home for the weekend or when i have time off work to see them. They don't live to far away, but i don't drive so i like to make it a proper day or two when i do get the chance. One of my weekends was spent just having a really chilled day or two with my mum, her boyfriend, my brother and my super adorable cat Fred. Fred is my world just so you know ( a little black cat full of character and everyone's favourite little being.) But anyway i think its important to spend time with your loved ones even if you do move a little further away. 

One last thing i have been loving and i just had to mention, has to be Wednesday night TV. I am in no way a TV lover at the best of times, definitely a Netflix, movie, or YouTube gal. However the combination of both the Great British bake off and Our girl, on a Wednesday evening has really been something that I've been looking forward to each week. If you don't watch either of these then what are you doing with your Wednesday nights?! Sit yourself in front of BBC1 for two hours from 8pm and you won't come away disappointed. 

So there you have it. On to October another jam packed month i'm sure. What have you loved this month and like me are you excited for it to get a little bit colder? 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 

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