Sunday, 7 January 2018

Amy Rowley Lifestyle - Update and Round up of 2017

It's safe to say, I have completely lost my blogging mojo. Last year was such a whirlwind and as 2017 drew to a close, things in my life got busy, stressful and it simply meant my blog took a back step. BUT! Yes a big but! I want to get back into the swing of things and I am determined to ensure that I keep my blog updated as frequently as I can. I'm not going to go completely crazy and set myself set days and times, but fingers crossed you will be seeing a lot more from me in 2018.

I thought it might be nice to do a small round up of my achievements in 2017, a nice way to ease myself back into blogging. I think it's easy to say that 2017 was one of my best years yet and I was happy to accomplish things that I thought I never would. Below are my top 5 achievements/experiences of 2017 as a little insight into my life for the past year.

1. I secured myself a job I love!

2017 started for me, with a great opportunity in a marketing role. Never did I know how far I would be able to come in such a short space of time and how happy it would make me, working in a job that I love. It was completely daunting at first and I won't lie, I had my wobbles, however I'm proud to say I am now a marketing manager at an agency I love and with people I couldn't imagine not seeing every day. Oh god it's cheesy I know! *laughs* In my first year of my role, I have been promoted, seen the business grow, travelled with the job and had so many laughs.

I won't lie, my job plays a big part in my disappearance with Amy Rowley, but even though it can be stressful, it's important that I now have a career focus and a path I can't wait to take.

2. I passed my driving test!!

Honest to god, I never thought this would happen! Anyone that knows me, will understand the struggles I had with driving, but honestly my life has completely changed since passing my test. I can't imagine not jumping in my little car and whizzing to my friends of an evening. This was such a massive part in my year and even my life, it just showed me that if I put my mind to something I can always succeed. My anxieties held me back for a while but it was important that I fought them and made this a reality.

3. I travelled...

I aim to visit at least 2 or 3 different places each year and in 2017 I definitely did this. I managed to visit Budapest, Amsterdam, Turkey, Paris and Edinburgh and made some incredible memories. My favourite trip of the year, if I had to choose, had to be Budapest with one of my best friends. We honestly had the most incredible couple of days and I can't recommend the city enough.

4. I worked on my confidence.

Every year I see my confidence in many situations improve and I am happy to say 2017 was no different. I went to my first blogger event, met some incredible blogger friends and simply learnt not to care so much about what everyone thought. I aim to continue this in 2018.

5. I learnt that friendships are important

As you get older, your friendships really do change and you start to see who will be in your life for a long time and who actually might not. It is so important to spend time with people that support you, love you and who understand you, even on a bad day. 2017 allowed me to see who I want in my life and who I want to ensure that I always have time for. It also made me realise how lucky I am to have such a lovely bunch of weirdos around me that make me smile and laugh. I am to make even more time for them this year and I promise to get better at texting back!! *laughs*

Hopefully I will be back shortly with more content and rambling.

Thanks for reading my lovelies x


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