Friday, 16 September 2016

Autumnal Acorn Biscuits

Now i know what your thinking...its not autumnal enough to be making acorn biscuits, the sun is still shining strong and don't even get me started on the heat. However i disagree, you can never be too autumnal and at the ready for the upcoming months and these are the perfect way to ease you in gently. These little biscuits are so super simple to make and good fun too. Myself and my friend Emily (her blog is here) decided it was time to once again get our baking heads on and create some autumnal treats. With the old favourite the bake off currently flooding our TV screens every Wednesday, i feel even more creative then usual. Who else sits there and once its finished gets that itch to bake!? So lets get into the recipe. 

Ingredients you will need :
150g Plain flour (extra for dusting)
50g Caster sugar
100g softened butter
A few drops of vanilla essence
1 Egg

For decoration:
Milk Chocolate
White Chocolate
chocolate sprinkles

Equipment you will Need
Acorn cookie cutter (link here)
Rolling pin

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees, and line a baking tray with grease proof paper.
2. Take the caster sugar and flour and mix together, then add the butter and use your hands to mix it in and form a crumbly mixture. 
3. Lightly beat the egg in a bowl and a few drops of Vanilla essence, then add slowly to your mixture folding it in with a wooden spoon.
4. Once the egg is mixed in you will see a soft dough form, take this and place it on a surface dusted in flour. 
5. Cover your rolling pin in a dusting of flour also and roll out your dough until it is approximately 1 inch think. Take your cookie cutter and gently cut out your acorn shaped biscuits, laying them into the baking tray. You should be able to get about 10 biscuits out of the dough. 
6. Pop in the oven for 10 mins until a little golden and then remove from the oven and leave to cool. 

For the icing:

1. Take your milk chocolate and melt it in a bowl above a hot pan of water on the hob. Take a piping bag and fill it with chocolate, cutting a very small nozzle at the end. 
2. Pipe the chocolate over the entire surface of the biscuit as evenly as possible. Use a spoon to even out and spread if needs be. Repeat this process to all biscuits.
4. Take your chocolate sprinkles and tap on to the top of the acorn wear the little acorn hat would be. Shake off any excess when dry. 
5. For added character, take some melted chocolate, and add a small line to your acorn, to create the image of a re flexion. 

There you have it, cute and yummy acorn shaped biscuits, that any squirrel would be proud of. While engrossed in the baking madness of today, Emily and i also created some cinnamon apple shaped cupcakes. Head over to her blog for the recipe and some more autumnal baking inspiration. Link here. 

Hope you enjoyed reading today's post and have a go at making some yourself.
Thanks for reading my lovelies x


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