Tuesday, 7 June 2016

A little trip to Edinburgh

I am always up for exploring new places, cities, countries, you name it i'm there. After one of my closest friends went to Edinburgh last year i had been longing to go ever since, so when she mentioned she wanted to return I was the first to to volunteer to accompany her.
We booked last minute flights and a cheap hotel, which happened to be a brand new premier inn Hub, modern, fresh, compact and a great central location to the town centre...Perfecto!

I'm always slightly nervous to board the plane having no idea how to get from a to b when you reach the arrivals desk, but it was the easiest place to navigate yourself. You are able to get into the city via bus, a return ticket is around 7 pounds and you can return on a different day which was great.

On our first night we decided to hit the town, we went to tigerlily a very trendy new bar. The cocktails were great and it was the most instagrammable bar I've been too, even down to the last details like the white marble tables outside. i mean, who doesn't love marble!? 

To kick our hungover bums into action the next morning we decided to get lots of fresh air and walk it off by exploring the old town and the castle. we were honestly so lucky with the glorious weather too. 

Once we had walked up so many steps our feet hurt we decided to stop for tea and cake. we decided to go to a small cafe called eteaket on Frederick street. we had strawberry and cream tea and scones and jam and it was lovely. The selection of teas to choose from was overwhelming and i would definitely recommend it for a spot to eat when you fancy something scrummy.

Part Two coming soon, thank you for reading my lovelies x


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