Friday, 10 June 2016

A little trip to Edinburgh - Part Two

Continuing on with our little adventure in Edinburgh, we took our second night to recuperate and rest up ready for another day of investigating the cities highlights. We found a local restaurant that served a great piece of steak and headed back to our hotel for an early one. Luckily our hotel came with a great app and built in service through the TV, it meant we got a great selection of films to choose from and were pretty much set for the night.

The next morning we were up bright and early, ready to head to the one and only Edinburgh Zoo!
Now be prepared for photo overload because i am a definite animal lover and anything involving the word zoo or safari and I have already bought a ticket.

Not only do they have the Giant Pandas, but koalas too! Oh and if that wasn't enough, they hold a penguin parade daily. It was very much a great day out and I would again recommend it if you are an animal lover at the very least. Be prepared to do a lot of walking though, those hills really did highlight how unfit I truly am. 

Our last day in Edinburgh might have been my favourite. We explored further and wandered into the old streets of Edinburgh popping into cute little tourist shops and soaking up the rays as we happened to be super lucky with the glorious weather. 

Our final stop of the trip was to climb the famous Arthur's Seat. It was so much fun, and the views were breathtaking. I would say you need to allow a good couple of hours to get up and down. But it is well worth the steep climb! Take a bottle of water to keep hydrated, and treat yourself to an ice cream once you have reached base, we did and that ice cream had never tasted so good. 

Edinburgh is one of my favourite cities I have been too and I can't wait to revisit with my partner. My next adventure is in a couple of weeks, for a bit of relaxation and sunbathing, so watch out for that. 
Thanks for reading my lovelies x

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