So I've been thinking about changing my hair and giving it some dimension for what feels like forever. I am one hundred percent one of those people that have an idea and then wait years and months until they make that change. Silly i know, but us girls have to be sure.
In terms of dying my hair i have only ever done a home kit from either boots or super drug and that was at least a couple of years ago. So my hair hasn't been professionally dyed before.
I had been looking at the technique 'Balayage' for a while and decided to take the plunge once and for all. Balayage is the french word for sweep, it's supposed to give you a sun-kissed look, with soft highlights and tones added to your hair. It gives you dimension and is meant to lift your hair and enhance any natural highlights you may already have.
This sounded perfect and after trawling the internet, saving pictures of all the famous stars and bloggers that had already perfected there hair, i was ready.

My appointment was on Monday and when i got there, Izzie once again went over all of the details she had done at my consultation and also showed me the samples of my hair and how much they had taken to the dye. It all looked good to me so in we went with the colour. Each step of the way Izzie was asking me questions and making sure i was happy with lighter bits at the front and how she was applying the dye. This was great as it kept me involved, I knew what she was doing and what bits we were focusing on next.
Once all the dye was applied and my hair had lifted to the correct amount we washed it all out and were on to the next part, the cut. I wanted to get a good three inches cut off the ends of my hair, and some layers put in too. While Izzie was doing this she talked me through the process of looking after my new coloured hair. We talked about using an argan oil through my hair to keep it soft and healthy. As well as this she told me to use a silver shampoo on my hair to keep the colour looking fresh and to take the brassy tones out.
She blow dried my hair and from this point on i could really start to see the new colours and tones. I absolutely loved it, and was so happy. She then very kindly curled my hair for me to compliment my new look. Once this was done she took a picture of the back and let me have a real close look to make sure i was happy. I definitely was. It was just what i had been after and i don't know why i had put it off for so long.
After having my new hair for a couple of days, I've styled it both curly and straight and invested in some new products to keep my hair looking fresh. So far i'm loving it.
Argan oil - Fudge silver Shampoo
I can't wait to go back again and have some lighter tones put in next time. No wonder people always say dying your hair can get addictive. Your hair can really change your confidence and your overall look and style. I would definitely recommend Regis hair salon and if your one of those people that keep debating whether to get it done or not...Just go for it.
Thanks for reading my lovelies x
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