Monday, 15 January 2018

Amy Rowley Style - Three Jackets You Must Have This Season

January is in full swing and the weather here in the UK, is as always, very temperamental.  Because of this, your jacket is the best way to make a fashion statement. After all, it's the main item of clothing that everyone will see. I thought I would talk you through 3 of my favourite types of jacket (or coats) that are on the hight street at the moment.

First thing's first, we need to address the comeback of the puffer jacket. Yes, that's right all types of puffers, short, long and in all sorts of shades. They are all over the high street and even in the likes of Tesco! I'll happily say that if you had told me a couple of years ago that I would be buying a puffer jacket, I would have laughed and thought they looked silly. However, now I love them. I had been on the hunt for a beige coloured puffer jacket for a while and when I spotted this one on ASOS I saved it straight onto my Wishlist. When I saw that it went down into the sale I knew I had to have it. Not only is it super comfy and causal but it's lovely and warm too. I have styled it up in lots of ways including the outfit below. 

- Puffer jacket- Vero Moda - 
- Leather look jeans Missguided -
- Boots - Zara - 
- T-shirt - Topshop - 

Next up, the teddy jacket. These are absolutely everywhere and for good reason too; they are gorgeous. I currently have my eye on a couple that I will link down below. Do I think they will be back next year? Yes, I truly believe they will be here to stay. Pair them with a pair of leather look trousers and roll neck jumper for the perfect cozy look.

Teddy Jackets
- Topshop - 
- Topshop - 

Last but by no means lest, the faux fur jacket. Again, there has been a bit of a craze for these this year, just like every other. Who would blame anyone though? They are so warm! The perfect jacket to wear over a dress on a night out, or to give a simple outfit the touch of luxury it needs. Once again I have linked some of my favourites below. 

Faux Fur Jacket 
- Topshop - 
- Missguided - 
- Zara - 

What jackets are on your current wish list?

Thanks for reading my lovelies x


Sunday, 7 January 2018

Amy Rowley Lifestyle - Update and Round up of 2017

It's safe to say, I have completely lost my blogging mojo. Last year was such a whirlwind and as 2017 drew to a close, things in my life got busy, stressful and it simply meant my blog took a back step. BUT! Yes a big but! I want to get back into the swing of things and I am determined to ensure that I keep my blog updated as frequently as I can. I'm not going to go completely crazy and set myself set days and times, but fingers crossed you will be seeing a lot more from me in 2018.

I thought it might be nice to do a small round up of my achievements in 2017, a nice way to ease myself back into blogging. I think it's easy to say that 2017 was one of my best years yet and I was happy to accomplish things that I thought I never would. Below are my top 5 achievements/experiences of 2017 as a little insight into my life for the past year.

1. I secured myself a job I love!

2017 started for me, with a great opportunity in a marketing role. Never did I know how far I would be able to come in such a short space of time and how happy it would make me, working in a job that I love. It was completely daunting at first and I won't lie, I had my wobbles, however I'm proud to say I am now a marketing manager at an agency I love and with people I couldn't imagine not seeing every day. Oh god it's cheesy I know! *laughs* In my first year of my role, I have been promoted, seen the business grow, travelled with the job and had so many laughs.

I won't lie, my job plays a big part in my disappearance with Amy Rowley, but even though it can be stressful, it's important that I now have a career focus and a path I can't wait to take.

2. I passed my driving test!!

Honest to god, I never thought this would happen! Anyone that knows me, will understand the struggles I had with driving, but honestly my life has completely changed since passing my test. I can't imagine not jumping in my little car and whizzing to my friends of an evening. This was such a massive part in my year and even my life, it just showed me that if I put my mind to something I can always succeed. My anxieties held me back for a while but it was important that I fought them and made this a reality.

3. I travelled...

I aim to visit at least 2 or 3 different places each year and in 2017 I definitely did this. I managed to visit Budapest, Amsterdam, Turkey, Paris and Edinburgh and made some incredible memories. My favourite trip of the year, if I had to choose, had to be Budapest with one of my best friends. We honestly had the most incredible couple of days and I can't recommend the city enough.

4. I worked on my confidence.

Every year I see my confidence in many situations improve and I am happy to say 2017 was no different. I went to my first blogger event, met some incredible blogger friends and simply learnt not to care so much about what everyone thought. I aim to continue this in 2018.

5. I learnt that friendships are important

As you get older, your friendships really do change and you start to see who will be in your life for a long time and who actually might not. It is so important to spend time with people that support you, love you and who understand you, even on a bad day. 2017 allowed me to see who I want in my life and who I want to ensure that I always have time for. It also made me realise how lucky I am to have such a lovely bunch of weirdos around me that make me smile and laugh. I am to make even more time for them this year and I promise to get better at texting back!! *laughs*

Hopefully I will be back shortly with more content and rambling.

Thanks for reading my lovelies x
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