Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Amy Rowley's First Birthday

So today is officially Amy Rowley's 1st birthday, yes that's right I have been blogging for 1 year now and what a year it's been. Never did I think I would have stuck with it or enjoyed it as much as I have done. And to celebrate, what better way than to write a blog post on all the good things that have come out of my blogging journey so far. 

I think it's safe to say that over the last year my confidence has gone from strength to strength and blogging has definitely contributed to this. When I first started my blog, I didn't want to post anything on Facebook or tell anyone at work. I was scared people would think, 'who the hell does she think she is'.  Now i'm not afraid to share my blog with others, talk about my experiences or even talk about things that may be a little bit controversial. You simply get to the point where you just dont care about others opinion's anymore and just want to focus on what makes you happy.

The same goes for my confidence when taking pictures, don't get me wrong I still don't enjoy people staring at me weirdly posing for a picture in the street but I won't let it stop me anymore. I just laugh it off, do a funny dance or talk to a friend that is normally behind the camera and carry on like normal

Becoming more experimental with fashion 
Not only has my confidence grown in general but i find it easier to be more experimental with fashion, the colours I wear and the styles I put together. I'm still getting there with mixing up the things I wear more often but blogging has made me want to be more stylish and more fun with every outfit I wear, even when I head to the office every morning. A great outfit makes me feel 10 times better. 

Making new friends
Before starting my blog I only knew a handful of people that either blogged themselves or just enjoyed or knew about the blogging world in general. Writing my own one has opened myself up to meeting new people and creating new friends that share the same interests and a passion for the industry. I can't wait to go to more events and meet new faces that may not be new from pictures (after stalking them religiously on Instagram) but i finally get to talk to in person. 

Allowed me to be creative
Before last year I really felt that I had lost my creative flair. I've always loved fashion, writing and photography but at the time of starting Amy Rowley I was in a job where it wasn't really possible to express this. Having my blog gave me that kick up the bum to be more creative and use my brain to constantly come up with new ideas and try new looks. 
I am lucky enough to say that my blog has even allowed me to secure a job in a marketing role, where I now get to be creative and use my brain on a daily basis. 

* Outfit * 
Shirt - H&M
Jeans - Zara 
Bag - Mango 
Shoes - New Look

I think after writing this blog post it has just confirmed it to me, that starting my blog was without a doubt the best thing I could have done... in fact I wish I had done it sooner. Because of this, I thought this may be able to help you if you want to start something new, maybe a blog, a you tube channel or even something simple like signing up for the gym but are too nervous to do so. The answer is simple...just do it! 

Things always seem a lot more scary when the're unknown and you don't know what it could mean for the future, especially when you're concerned about what people could think. But this is just a friendly reminder to say, that you shouldn't care and you should only ever do what makes you happy, as cheesy as it sounds. 

Anyway, if you've been with Amy Rowley and it's journey so far then thank you so much. I can't wait to see what's in store next...after all who knows what's around the corner. 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 


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