Thursday, 1 June 2017

Amy Rowley Style - Tips and Tricks to Primark purchases

Primark is a funny one. It's full to the brim of endless clothing, accessories, home bits and even now makeup and beauty. But for me, its all about finding a needle in a haystack. That one gem out of endless amounts of rocks. Some may disagree and this may been controversial, but gone are the days of me coming out with huge bags of Primark pieces, instead I choose wisely with a couple of items at a time. 

Here are my tips for shopping in primark, to ensure you don't waste your money on 'bargains' and make sure you find a staple or fantastic trend piece that you will be wearing non stop through the summer months.

First things first, it's so easy to get sucked in by cheap deals, unbeatable prices and a good ol'bargain, but it's important to be picky nonetheless. I used to walk out with bags full of these fantastic buys only later would I realise that realistically it didn't overly flatter my body or I was only going to wear it once or twice. Choose wisely when shopping in Primarni my loves, take an item and imagine spending a topshop price on it, would you still be tempted to make the purchase at a higher price? Will you wear it more then once? These are the questions that will help you to make a good primark purchase and not end up regretting it later.

That is not to say you can't be adventurous with Primark pieces, in fact I suggest doing so. Take the big seasonal trends, such as gingham or embroidery, the ones you know you won't want to wear forever. Primark is the perfect way to dabble in the trend without forking out a fortune. Take advantage of the cheaper prices for those more daring pieces that you know will be perfect for this season but may not be as popular for the next.

Of course there are those items that you simply can't go wrong with when it comes to primark. Plain cami tops are one and Pjamas are another. If like me, you aren't one to wear silky lacy nightwear on a daily basis and just prefer to be comfortable... Primark is the one!! Their range of themed, cute nightwear has got to be a winner for so many. Am I right people or am I right.

My final tip it to use Primark as a guinea pig. All those expensive items that you think you like the look of, but aren't quite sure, head into Primark to see if you can find a similar piece. More often than not they try to copy designer pieces and follow big trends. Buy a cheaper alternative and if you find yourself loving the item, you will know to splurge on the more expensive option.

When I went into my local Primark a few weeks ago, I literally had all of 5 minutes to spare, which is normally never a great thing. However two things caught my eye. The first, was this gorgeous little gingham dress with flared sleeves. Killing two trends with one stone and at a small price of just £13 I had to pick it up. The other item will be appearing on the blog soon. Another trend item that I thought I would try the waters with, before making a splurge.

Anyway, enough of the rambling I hear you say. I hope this has helped you Primark lovers out there, to get the best out of a cheaper high street store. All I have to say now is... Happy Shopping!!

Thanks for reading my lovelies x


1 comment

  1. I've never been one to go into primark and come out with huge bags but I have been absolutely loving the beauty, lingerie and nightwear sections lately! Unfortunately the primark near me is really really small while they're in the process of building a huge one so there's actually not much in the clothing department as half is taken up by jeans! But I've been seeing loads of absolute steals on Instagram lately and one being that gorgeous gingham dress which I first saw on your Instagram. It's so pretty! Great post!

    Ellie x


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