Thursday, 26 January 2017

Pretty in Pink - Amy Rowley Style

So, its been ages since i've been able to post a style post on my blog, but today i'm back with a bang, with a gorgeous outfit and some awesome shots taken by a wonderful friend (her blog is here). As well as this i want to have a little chat about other subjects going on in the world, but i'll save that little ramble till later.

 First the outfit.

The star of the show for me has to be the sleeves on that jumper, now if you follow me on instagram (@amyrowleyy) you will know my love for any kind of sleeve detail. I'm obsessed. So when i caught my eye on this little beauty, i knew it had to be mine. Low and behold this jumper has actually become a giant blogger sensation, and everyone just like me, is a little bit in love. The juicy details you ask? First off, its from Marks and Spencer. Yes! Bet you didn't think i was going to say that! The price of the jumper is £35, so to me a standard price and something i will happily pay for a good quality jumper. It is clear to me that Marks and Sparks are seriously upping there fashion game, and its strong. This style of jumper also comes in grey, so if your not a lover of a splash of pink like me, fear not.  Flared sleeves were huge last season and the trend is only going to continue into the spring/summer months, so watch out for more sleeve details on the blog in the future.

I decided to pair the splash of pink with some dark blue denim jeans, skinny of course, and slightly cropped, so for a night out these are great with a pair of heels. These particular one's i picked up in Topshop a while back in the summer, they have little zip details to the sides and are high waisted. There is always something nearly identical on their website when it comes to denim, so ill find the best pairs and link them below.

Flared Jumper - Marks and Spencer 
Jeans - Topshop 
Shoes - New Look 
Bag - Zara (Sold Out :( sorry)

Now for accessories, another key and killer part to this outfit, i wanted to show off a new purchase i made a few weeks ago. I had been looking at it for weeks, and after it went down in price, twice in the sale, i knew i had to have it. Hopefully it is still available, the little grey suede delight, ended up being a steal at £29.99. For real suede and such a gorgeous design, it really was such a great bag. I can fit tons of stuff into it and have already had plenty of compliments too. The shoes tied in perfectly and i didn't expect them too. My New Look pointed courts, which were also in the sale at £11.49, couldn't have complimented the bag any better.
I think this outfit would be perfect for an evening meal or even cocktails at a bar. In this cold weather, you only want to be out for a couple of hours, and you definitely want to stay as snug as possible.

What do you think of the outfit? Do you love it as much as me?

Ramble time.

I just wanted the chance to say how proud and motivated i feel to be a woman at the moment. It's so clear to see how passionate we are becoming and also nice to find that we can support each other and stand together as one. Of course i'm talking partly about the women's march, which took place last Saturday, but also just generally. Over the last couple of months i have really started to notice a community between girls, especially in the blogging industry. It's inspiring to watch and hear, but also great to be part of something that is becoming stronger and more successful. This is just a shout out to say, that we work our arses off just like any other person, we deserve just as much as any other man, and we are BOSSING IT GIRLS!

Now thats out of the way, apologies for the change of subject, i hope you are all having a fantastic week, and have a great weekend. Please do check out my new YouTube channel as well! I'll leave a link for it here.

Thanks for reading my lovelies x


Sunday, 22 January 2017

kick those January blues - 'Night in' inspiration

It's official. It's wet, windy, cold and miserable, January is right on track for being one of those months you just want to curl up in a ball on the sofa and eat your body weight in food. Those January blues that everyone talks about are in full swing, with no money and no motivation to do anything. But! There is always a solution, and we can even enjoy those weekends in, scared to leave your house in less than your dressing gown. 
So, today I thought I would talk through a couple of 'night in' suggestions for you and your friends, or even you and your partner, keeping it cosy and cute this winter. 

Fondue evening 

So me and my best friend were meant to go out on Friday night, but by the time she arrived and we had settled on the sofa with a cup of tea, we weren't going anywhere. Our reasoning you ask? The cold. So instead we got our bums to Tesco and picked up all the ingredients to have a chocolate fondue, with the added luxury of a bottle of prosecco. It was perfect and right up both our streets. We got together; marshmallows, strawberries, pretzels and plenty of Cadburys. What a feast. What's more with a few glasses of bubbly and a music channel in the background, we bought the night club to the comfort of our living room...oh and let's not forget our killer outfits...(I mean pyjamas.) 

Cheese and wine night in

So while we are on the subject of food it would be rude not to mention, the main love in my life, cheese. And yes I know it's just been Christmas and every one I know may be on a diet...but one night of feasting can't hurt surely!? 
Gather together some cheeses, grapes and wine and be those sophisticated ladies (or men) you always knew you were. Your stomach will be satisfied and so will you. 

Spa Evening

As your not venturing out of the house it's only right that you prepare yourself for when you do finally hit the town again. So what perfect time then to pamper you and your friends. Start off by doing face masks and seeing how long you can keep a straight face before you both end up in stitches. Once your skin is feeling like a baby's bottom add your favourite skin care routine to the mix, by the time you wake up you'll feel like a brand new person. You can also do foot spas, and paint your nails. A little pick me up in January can sometimes be just what you need. 

Disney movie night

Now last but not least and it has to be my favourite for obvious reasons, but get everyone together and throw yourself into the Disney princess life. I've been meaning to do this for ages with the girls, but we still haven't got round to it. What better place to be, then in a movie full of princes, singing, dancing and talking animals? 
Grab some snacks of course, in my opinion cupcakes and cocktails work best for this occasion. Sit back and revel in the world of

I hope you like my few suggestions to help kick those January blues with a fun packed night in. Let me know if you try any of them out. 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 


Sunday, 8 January 2017

My YouTube Channel...

So this has been in the pipeline and when i say the pipeline, i mean my little head, for a while. I probably watch YouTube videos more then i do read blog posts or scroll social media. So it only seemed right, that now i finally had a camera, i got my bum into gear and started up my own channel. This is completely new to me and a lot different from typing some words onto a page and pressing  publish, so as you can imagine it makes me very nervous. But nervous is good and everything else i'm doing in my life at the moment makes me feel this way so i must be doing something right ( or thats what i keep telling myself.) 

My channel will be an extension to my blog and something that runs along side it. It doesn't mean my blog will be stopping, but i just thought i would add another string to my bow as they say. I will be posting lifestyle videos, fashion videos and beauty, as well as some baking and even possible vlogging in the future. So here goes, Please head over to my channel and subscribe, leave me a comment if you are feeling extra generous. Bear with me, while i get used to the editing and lighting, that goes with them, as i said this is different to anything I've done before. 

So grab yourself a cuppa, and head over to the link below, to find out more.

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 

Sunday, 1 January 2017

2016 in a nutshell and looking forward...

Holy moly, where did that year go? So much has happened in what feels like such a short amount of time, but its been a whole year without even knowing it. My life changed dramatically in 2016. For starters I moved out with my boyfriend into a flat together, and changed jobs very early on in the year. Since this point i made a whole new friend group from work, and got my confidence back to where it needed to be. At this point i decided i was finally going to bite the bullet and launch my blog, which believe me when i say, i had been thinking about for not even months but years. I could happily say it was the best thing i have done in a long long time, and it has sparked something in me that i had been lacking for a while. It was a focus, a goal, and somewhere i could spark my creativity and create something i loved. I will continue to focus and improve Amy Rowley Blogspot, for the foreseeable future and after getting a new camera for Christmas i am ready to bring better quality and better content to this blog in 2017. 

Some highlights of 2016, have to be my two little trips away to Portugal and Bruges later in the year. Both were great experiences,and i can't wait to think of where to visit next. Also later in the year, we took a quick trip to Centerparcs for a quality weekend with the family. Also a lovely little break and much needed to spend some time with the loved ones, something i plan on doing a lot more this year. Which moves me onto my next exciting thing that happened very recently. I will be starting a new job this month, which although is super scary and has me all stressed out (because that's just what i do), i can't wait to dig my teeth into something exciting, and learn a new career path that will hopefully be the path for me. It's also nice to say that my blog i feel was a great part to me being successful in this new move, so here's to the future and to my career being on the way to somewhere great. 

Last but not least its important to make a little mention to another big thing for me, which is starting up my driving again and making sure i see it through until i make it happen. I am determined to have no more breaks, and no more freak outs and get myself driving by the end of the year. Positivity is key and a few important people in my life have taught me that this year. 

So here's to 2017, i'm determined to make it even better then the last, and enjoy every moment even when things don't always go to plan. I hope you all had a lovely new years eve, i spent it with my loved ones, and am enjoying a couple of days off before the crazy new year really begins for me. 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 

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