Sunday, 1 January 2017

2016 in a nutshell and looking forward...

Holy moly, where did that year go? So much has happened in what feels like such a short amount of time, but its been a whole year without even knowing it. My life changed dramatically in 2016. For starters I moved out with my boyfriend into a flat together, and changed jobs very early on in the year. Since this point i made a whole new friend group from work, and got my confidence back to where it needed to be. At this point i decided i was finally going to bite the bullet and launch my blog, which believe me when i say, i had been thinking about for not even months but years. I could happily say it was the best thing i have done in a long long time, and it has sparked something in me that i had been lacking for a while. It was a focus, a goal, and somewhere i could spark my creativity and create something i loved. I will continue to focus and improve Amy Rowley Blogspot, for the foreseeable future and after getting a new camera for Christmas i am ready to bring better quality and better content to this blog in 2017. 

Some highlights of 2016, have to be my two little trips away to Portugal and Bruges later in the year. Both were great experiences,and i can't wait to think of where to visit next. Also later in the year, we took a quick trip to Centerparcs for a quality weekend with the family. Also a lovely little break and much needed to spend some time with the loved ones, something i plan on doing a lot more this year. Which moves me onto my next exciting thing that happened very recently. I will be starting a new job this month, which although is super scary and has me all stressed out (because that's just what i do), i can't wait to dig my teeth into something exciting, and learn a new career path that will hopefully be the path for me. It's also nice to say that my blog i feel was a great part to me being successful in this new move, so here's to the future and to my career being on the way to somewhere great. 

Last but not least its important to make a little mention to another big thing for me, which is starting up my driving again and making sure i see it through until i make it happen. I am determined to have no more breaks, and no more freak outs and get myself driving by the end of the year. Positivity is key and a few important people in my life have taught me that this year. 

So here's to 2017, i'm determined to make it even better then the last, and enjoy every moment even when things don't always go to plan. I hope you all had a lovely new years eve, i spent it with my loved ones, and am enjoying a couple of days off before the crazy new year really begins for me. 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 


1 comment

  1. Sounds like you had a jam packed 2016!

    Congratulations on bagging the new job, I hope it's all going well for you. Good luck with your driving lessons, it's one of the best things you can do and will give you soooo much freedom xx


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