Thursday, 27 October 2016

5 Last minute Halloween ideas

Halloween is fast approaching and i know i still don't have any plans. What with working all weekend and just getting back from a little break i haven't really had much time to think about it. So i thought i would put together a little post to help myself and any others who are in the same boat. Read on to hear all about my five suggestions, to make a last minute plan into a spooktastic Halloween.

1. My first suggestion is to get a couple of friends together, get yourself too Tesco or Asda and stock up on all those scary treats that are flooding the shops at the moment. Cakes, sweets, chocolate, crisps all in crazy colours, shapes and flavours. Just go mad! Get yourself a bottle of wine or two and head back to one persons house/flat and get curled up on the sofa. You could either rent some dvd's, head over to Netflix or just scroll the TV channels to find all the scary movies that will be on and a have a movie marathon. It's fun, warm and cheap, which is always a bonus. If you and all your friends are scaredy cats, watch the nightmare before Christmas and Hocus Pocus, old classics for this time of year and not at all too scary to watch.

2. My next pick is along the same lines, but if you fancy getting out the house for a bit its perfect. Go to the cinema to see the scariest film possible. Top yourself up with popcorn and a hot chocolate, and take a loved one with you for moral support haha! Again it dosent break the bank and is a very easy way to get in the Halloween spirit without all the madness and dressing up if that just isn't very you. 

3. My third idea is probably my favourite and this is too have a baking and cooking day or evening with a bestie. Scroll pinterest for the best Halloween treats and tricks out there and bake up a storm in the kitchen. There are so many ideas floating around Facebook at the moment too. This way you can make the treats and keep it Halloween themed too. You could always ask a couple more friends round in the evening to share the treats with and maybe play some games and drink some wine. 
One of the treats i tried were these baked peppers stuffed with couscous in the shapes of pumpkins. Super cute and yummy and great for a savoury option.  

4. Number four is to get yourself out and about and have a good night out with some friends. It doesn't matter if you haven't got the best costume, use your makeup bag to do some weird and wonderful creations on your face and cut up an old tshirt or dress. Head to some local bars and have a little dance and a couple of drinks. I promise you, you will have fun and you wont't feel stupid as everyone else will look as silly or as scary as one another. 

5. My fifth and final idea would be to throw a last minute halloween party at your house. Asda has everything you will need to make your house or flat the scary and creepy destination it needs to be. Get everyone to dress up, you can even choose a theme if you want too. You can go as crazy or as simple as you want to. Get cocktail making ingredients at the ready and make a little cocktail making station perfect for all the guests. You could also do some really funny and easy games. Apple bobbing a proper oldie, and buy a ton of toilet roll and see who can make their partner into a mummy the quickest. These games will be even more fun when you have had a couple to drink and whats better they take no time or effort to make them. Just be prepared for the tidying and the hangover the day after haha! I'm sure it will be worth it!!

So there you have my five little suggestions for this Halloween, it may just be some scary movies on Netflix and some scary cupcakes for me, but i'm happy with that. Whatever you are up to this weekend and this Halloween i hope you have a fantastic spooky one!

Thanks for reading my lovelies x


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