Friday, 26 August 2016

August Roundup

Can we actually believe that august is practically over and we are near enough in September!? I know i can't. This month in the UK has been a weird one we have had super heat and windy weather all in the same week, it's felt like summer for everyone else but to be honest i work in a very air conned work place, so most of the time I've still been in thick tights and a cardigan. Nonetheless i wanted to share with you some of  my favourites this month. Style faves, beauty, food and a couple of randoms thrown in there too. 

Style - let's start with my favourite style pieces of this month. First off my new denim skirt that you would have seen in my last style post. It's a staple piece to anyone's wardrobe and i had honestly been on the hunt for one for ages. They were either too short, or too flared, and with a denim skirt you definitely have to get it right for your shape. The one i purchased was a sale piece from Topshop, it was £18 pounds and because of that i was even more chuffed. You could honestly style this piece with nearly everything, it's perfect all year round and i can't wait to start wearing it in the colder months with chunky knits and ankle boots (not excited for autumn one bit *smirks.*)

The next favourite piece in my wardrobe has to be this white sheer pajama style blouse. I have worn it a couple times and really love it. It is super comfortable, can be dressed up or down and looks great with ripped denim and some little heels. It is from ASOS and comes in black too i believe, which is very tempting for work as this would be perfectly acceptable and still trendy for the workplace.

Beauty - Next up to ramble on about is my favourite beauty products of this month. I haven't got many but the two that i love are definitely winners in my eyes. The first is a new eyeliner. I kept having the same issue with every drugstore eyeliner i was buying, in that it was never truly black and within a couple of hours just looked like a big grey smudge on top of my eyelid. After reading ton's of reviews and a couple of videos, i decided i wanted to try the Guerlain liquid eyeliner. Wow i wasn't disappointed. I generally look forward to putting my eyeliner on each morning with this bad boy in my make up bag. It glides on really easily and the colour is a true black that lasts all day. If you were having the same issue i was then maybe look into this little beauty. 

My other beauty favourite is my MAC Mineralise  skinfinish in soft and gentle. A great highlighter that has been giving my cheekbones the gleam that it needs to get through a 8 hour shift. I just like to swirl my brush into it and whack it on all the places the sun would hit and i am good to go. It is a beautiful colour and a proper MAC cult product. 

Food - Now lets talk food. The one thing i have been obsessing over this month has to be anything kinder! You might have seen my kinder bueno cupcakes that i made a couple of weeks ago ( blogpost here), well since then i cannot get enough of kinder. Kinder chocolate, kinder bueno, Happy hippos. you name it, I've been eating it. If you have had a hard day at work or just craving something a little naughty get your bum down to Tesco and pick up a kinder bueno. I promise you, your day will get that little bit better. 

Random - So even though this month all i feel as if i have done is worked. The time i have had off i have spent it with the right people. I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend off with my friend kit, who visited from Brighton, we did everything girly, and a had a little wiggle on a night out which was greatly needed. I also spent a great day baking and making smoothies with another friend which was super fun and we definitely had a good old giggle while doing so. 
 My last favourite of the month was right at the beginning of the month and feels like a while ago now, but it was my day in London with a great friend. We spent the day exploring London and booked in at the Cutter and Squidge cafe for Hello Kitty afternoon tea. To read all about it i wrote a blog post with loads of pictures so go take a read here.

So there you have it. August is pretty much done and dusted and onto the next month. I wonder what September will have in store, a week off to look forward too and some mini changes that's for sure. 
Hope you enjoyed reading, to follow me on day to day basis please head over to my Instagram page @amyrowleyy to see more. 

Thanks for reading my lovelies x 



  1. Wow I love this post and I love all the features in it.
    Especially that denim skirt! It looks gorgeous on you.
    Natasha xx

    1. Thankyou so much! Glad you enjoyed it, i love the skirt so much :) xx


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